Monday, November 30, 2009

True Blood Season 3 Casting News: Meet Marshall Allman

Marshall-Allman-True-BloodMarshall Allman who is best known for his portrayal as LJ Barrows in Fox's "Prison Break" and guest star appearances on AMC's "Mad Men" and FX's "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia." will be joining the cast of Alan Ball's hit HBO TV vampire series True Blood as a regular for season 3. Marshall will play the role of Tommy Mickens, Sam Merlotte's (Sam Trammell) long-lost younger brother who works at a Tire Depot in Arkansas. Very exciting to finally see faces being attached to the characters for season 3! SOURCE: The Hollywood Reporter (Photo credit:  Fox Broadcasting Company / C. Hodes via

True Blood Season 3 Spoiler News: True Blood - Episode 3.02 - Beautifully Broken

Yes True Blood fans it is true, spoiler news is coming out and this time it is regarding Season 3 Episode 2 of True Blood entitled "Beautifully Broken."  According to SpoilerTV several casting calls are out and based on the descriptions of the characters we get some information about the scenes that they will be in.  Episode 2 is written by Raelle Tucker and will be directed by Scott Winant. SPOILER ALERT!!!! DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW!

True-Blood-Sookie-Bill In season 3, episode 2 it looks like we WILL meet the folks from Hotshot (book readers will know who these people are as it seems Alan will be introducing them earlier then the books). We will meet Crystal Norris who is to have a very strong recurring role and is described to be in her 20's, mysterious and hauntingly beautiful who will have an electric connection with Jason before she disappears into to the trees.   We will also meet Calvin Norris, described as a big, rugged bare-chested man in his 40's who is upset when police arrive with a warrant to search his rundown trailer.  At this point Calvin Norris is stated to have a strong recurring presence on the show. We will see the beginning of Sam's backstory as he starts searching for information regarding his family.  Listed as a strong recurring role, Melinda Mickens (according to previous spoiler reports she is Sam's mother) is a dirt-poor, hung-over, trashy-looking woman in her 5o's wearing stained clothes and living in a shanty house that looks like it was previously a dumpster. Alongside side Melinda is her husband, Joe Lee Mickens who is also a dirt poor, poorly educated man in his 50's who seems amazed when he realizes Sam's link to his wife's early life. According to the spoiler he will also have a strong recurring role as well. In this episode we will always have a flashback scene to World War II where we will see a were-bitch female in her 20'-30's naked, trembling and speaking German pleading for help while Sgt. Kinney, a baby-faced American G.I. in his 20's tries to assist her and gets a terrifying surprise by her transformation. We also meet some other characters in this episode including Ruby Jean Reynolds described as an African-American woman in her late 40s to early 50s is who clearly mentally disturbed and is intensely religious and viciously homophobic.  She is being cared for in an elite private facility and by the name alone we may very well be meeting a relative of Lafayette's perhaps. Tara will show her fury in this episode as two drunk, lowlife hillbillies (Shane and Kris) make fun of someone who recently died.  With Shane refusing to apologize to Tara about his remark, Tara proceeds to beat him up. We will see a female new reporter interviewing authorities about some recent "animal" attack and we will also have our first encounter with a member of the biker gang as reported in previous spoiler reports. It seems that a creepy biker, who is in fact a biker/werewolf will menace Sookie, but he will find out that she's not the easy victim he anticipated. With so much happening in this episode it will definitely be one that will require multiple viewing. Can't wait for season 3 to begin!  These spoilers will definitely help fill the time by allowing us to develop theories as to what we believe is going to happen in the show. SOURCE:  SpoilerTV (Photo credit:  HBO Inc.)

Charlaine Harris Interviewed in the Author Hour

charlaine HarrisFor someone who writes in the fantasy genre with such a twisted point of view, Charlaine Harris would choose a very practical supernatural power for herself: perpetual good health. That's not nearly as flashy as the abilities she has given to her characters like Sookie Stackhouse, but thanks to her great imagination, life is still very exciting for Charlaine these days as she relishes in her immense popularity and success. In an interview with "The Author Hour," Charlaine Harris talks about her books, past and future. During the introduction, you get a sense for the vast scope of Charlaine's accomplishments in her 26-year career as an author. The Sookie Stackhouse series has made her an international bestseller. She has been nominated for various national book awards. Charlaine is also a member of a number of organizations--for mystery writers, romance writers, horror writers, female writers, Arkansas writers--and has leadership positions in some of them, too. Each of the groups that she participates have different goals, one of which is to help new writers who are trying to get into the business. She is pleased by all of her success, but she still remembers the years when not many people were reading her books and looks to help those starting out in the field. Charlaine discusses the Southern Vampire series and how telepathy was the worst thing she could come up with to be a burden on Sookie:
"Well, when you think about all the unkind things you think of everyday. You know, like, 'Oh gosh, her butt looks so big in those pants.' Or, 'This driver ahead of me is a total idiot.' Or, 'Gosh, if this woman doesn't stop talking, I think I'm just going to scream and walk away.' You know, all those little thoughts, if we could hear all those, this would be a terrible world."
Charlaine has at least three more books to write about Sookie and her life of vampires, shifters, and faeries. Along the way, she might decide to conclude things with Book 13, if she feels like the spark is gone from the story. That's what happened with her previous series--Charlaine felt like she had said everything she wanted to say with Lily Bard, Aurora Teagarden, and Harper Connelly, although she might one day return to them if she feels so moved. Her next projects are to make the editing changes to Dead in the Family, and to write a novella for the Sookie Companion, which will be released next year. Charlaine promises that Book 10 "answers a lot of questions." On the topic of the hit HBO vampire series inspired by her books, Charlaine says that True Blood has been delightful to watch. She thinks Alan is a genius, and loves the work that the cast and crew are doing to produce such a fun and excellent show. She doesn't know what direction the third season will take, or how closely it will adhere to her corresponding book, Club Dead, but she seems to enjoy being surprised. Charlaine also talks about Grave Secret, her latest in the Harper Connelly series. She sees those books as more of the classic detective stories "with a little twist." Harper was struck by lightning and discovered that she had the power to locate dead bodies. She travels to different places, making a living by finding out how people died. To hear the complete interview with Charlaine, visit the Author Hour website! SOURCE: Matthew Peterson / (Photo credit:

VIDEO: Behind-The-Scenes From Deborah Ann Woll's Mother's Day

Deborah-Ann-Woll-True-Blood-Jessica-HambyAs many True Blood fans are aware Deborah Ann Woll (Jessica Hamby) has been busy working on different projects while True Blood has been on hiatus including the remake of the 1980 cult horror film, Mother's Day.  In the film, Deborah portrays the daughter of a psychopathic family who will terrorize the new owners, and their guests, upon returning to her childhood home. Here is the latest behind-the-scenes clip from the movie, which looks very intense.  Looking forward to seeing it when it is released. SOURCE: (Photo credit:  HBO Inc., screencaps courtesy by James)

And We Thought Vampires Were The Stuff Of Our Dreams

A_-Skarsgard1Do vampires really exist? The answer to this question depends on your definition of the word vampire. If you feel that vampires, such as those creatures depicted in movies such as Near Dark and in books such as Charlaine Harris' Southern Vampire Mysteries, Stoker's Dracula and Anne Rice's Interview With A Vampire exist, then I would have to say no. And as much as we want to believe, nay fervently desire, that the Viking vampire Eric Northman and Bill Compton, both vampires from the hit HBO series True Blood, exist; as much as it disappoints me to admit to this, I'd certainly wager that these glamorous creatures do not in fact walk among us. In fact, to date, I have not met or even heard of a verifiable fact that such creature do in fact exist. spike from buffyIf, on the other hand, you believe that vampires are people who are basically normal with the exception of one or two abnormalities such as hypersensitivity to light, heightened psychic abilities, and the physical need to consume blood, then my answer would be yes, albeit a hesitant yes. Of course, as fictional or mythological characters, from Stoker's Count Dracula to Spike to the bewitching Eric Northman, Pam and Bill Compton of True Blood, we have come to accept and celebrate the vampire. But for many people, vampirism isn't just a literary genre. It's an identity and a lifestyle. Yes, this even includes the blood-drinking. And though it may sound incredulous, some experts say that there's a little bit of a vampire in all of us. As Katherine Ramsland a forensic psychologist and author of Science of Vampires, explains,
"The vampire image is sexy because it's a trespass [...] It's not just kissing, it's biting [...] the vampire has the ability to make you want it, even though you're frightened of it."
According to K. Ramsland, cultures all over the world retain some belief in their folklores that in a vampire like creature capable of sucking the life force. The 'vampire metaphor' common in the United States is derived from the Romanian Dracula, she said. But in other cultures, there are variations, for example, some cultures believe that vampires are only female or that they only go after children. Others believe that the vampire emerge only after a suicide, rather than after a vampire's bite. Despite the different ways the metaphor is manifested, certain elements remain, regardless of where it appears. As Ramsland further clarifies,
"Whatever comes and depletes you is a vampiric image [...] It's not always blood. It's a human metaphor, a representation of a human dread that's both frightening and exciting."
And it is hardly surprising, attracted to the powerful and sexy image of, for example, Lestat, Spike, Angel, Ericbill and sookie Northman or Vampire Bill, legions of people around the world have formed subcultures that reflect various parts of the vampire identity. But according to Ramsland, there is a continuum of responses to the vampire metaphor that draws in members of this subculture. For some, it's merely an outlet for creativity. For others, it manifests the belief, no matter how mistaken, that they need the blood or energy of another person or animal to subsist. Unfortunately, in very rare cases, Ramsland indicates, it gives structure to paranoia and delusion. Regardless of how it's manifested, however, it's a very powerful metaphor, Ramsland explains,
"People can participate in whatever ways they want to [...] Some of us are more the blood drinkers or the victim or the hunter. All of us participate in the metaphor in some manner [...] It allows for so much elasticity."
Unsurprisingly, this diversity, of practice and belief systems, makes the exact size of the vampire community difficult to quantify. For starters, apparently, not all real-life vampires drink blood. While 'sanguine' vampires say they need to drink human or animal blood to revive themselves. Some sanguine vampires even draw blood from a vein, transfer it to a glass and then drink it. On the other hand, 'pranic' vampires claim they do not require blood, saying that they can simply feed off the energy of other humans. The word 'pranic' stems from the Hindu notion of prana, or energy. Well, I learn something new every day... Belfazaar, who works as a spiritual consultant at a shop called Voodoo Authentica, is a 'sanguine' vampire, the blood drinking type of vampire. And if you're wondering, he practices mouth-to-wound feeding. At his most hungry, Belfazza will ingest six ounces of blood but he acknowledges that this can make 'mundanes', normal humans in vampire lingo, sick. Whether you choose to believe him or not, Belfazaar maintains, however, that vampire feeding is crucial for him to stay healthy, claiming that it can also provide an erotic experience,
"Even though the vampires are taking from someone there is an energy that we give off [...] For some people, they describe it as calming, other people describe it as sensually arousing."
Belfazaar agrees to demonstrate what he refers to as "a safe blood feed". In front of the cameras, Belfazaar removes his prosthetic fangs, rinses his mouth with mouthwash and sterilizes the skin of his willing donor, called Bo. Belfazaar used an exacto knife to make a small cut on Bo's back. As blood flowed, Belfazaar drank it directly from the wound. Apparently, this isn't Bo's first time,
"It's not comfortable, but it doesn't hurt [...] I mean, it's not any worse than getting a piercing or a tattoo [...] It's a rush of energy. There's a bond between the two individuals."
Jade, a tarot card reader in the French Quarter of New Orleans, and considered an elder in the New Orleans vampire community agrees, claiming that she needs to feed on sex and blood. In fact, the more, the better,
"I can do it once a week and stay balanced. I can do it twice a week and stay happy. I can do it daily and just be really happy."
Doctors, however, claim that there no medical value is derived from a 'blood feed'. Apart from the obvious danger of ingesting blood tainted with HIV, hepatitis or other viruses, Dr. Jeffrey Hobden, an infectious disease expert at the LSU Health Sciences Centre, explains,
"To ingest the blood, biologically speaking, it has no value whatsoever in making any medical difference [but] The placebo effect can be very powerful [...] Not only is the person who's ingesting the blood at risk, but the person who is donating the blood who was cut is also at risk from infection. "
Belfazaar disagrees,
"I've been doing this since I was 13, so that's 31 years of never being bothered by any of the other infections [...] So if there's something that bothers a normal -- what we call a mundane -- human, for some reason they don't bother me."
As Katherine Ramsland, author of The Science of Vampires, clarifies,
"It's a worldwide phenomenon [...] Some people are misfits [...] Some people are just creative people who don't feel they fit into normal society. Some people find the vampire a very empowering figure and they want to identify with that."
william dafoe as vampireRamsland also acknowledges that, in some cases, people suffer from clinical vampirism, which is the psychotic delusion that one needs to ingest blood in order to survive. Convinced that they need to drink blood, some people cut their own arteries or have killed loved ones. But as Ramsland emphasizes, this condition is very different from forming a persona around a vampire and participating in a subculture that celebrates it. E. Mark Stern, an independent psychotherapist and professor emeritus at Iona College in New York, has published widely on psychotherapy. Although he has not studied the vampire subculture specifically, he has dealt with a number of people who have claimed vampire tendencies. Stern acknowledges that currently, there are certainly manifestations of the phenomenon, noting that some cults have exploited the blood theme to perpetrate fatal crimes. But aside from these examples, he said, using blood as a way to bond people to a community is not entirely beyond the mainstream. He cites the example of taking communion in the Catholic tradition which carries the metaphor of receiving the flesh and blood of Christ. However, he acknowledges that the blood bond also exists outside religion,
"When I was 9, we were buddies forever – 'blood brothers.' We pricked our fingers, mixed them and sucked them [...] In that sense, it's a way of binding a community beyond the usual forms of understanding. On a rational basis, you can say 'what the hell are they doing?' But on an instinctive basis, then we're bound much more."
However, Stern cautions that vampirism comes with extremes. In fiction, we are now familiar with the vampire. From the classic novel Dracula to the hit HBO series True Blood, vampires are portrayed as immortal, bewitching predators with supernatural powers such as Eric Northman's ability to fly or Dracula's ability to shape shift. On the other hand, today's self-described vampires do not claim to be immortal or have superpowers. And they say they don't prey on strangers. They have willing donors, who are often friends or lovers. Now that I know vampires don't merely belong to my dreams, I can only wish that the True Blood vampires walk among us too. You can watch some of the clips from ABC's "20/20" program's look at real-life vampires here. SOURCES: Real-Life Vampires: Coming Out of the Coffin: Photo credit: HBO, Inc and

Alexander Skarsgard Interviewed in DARK Mag

Alexander-Skarsgard-Dark-MagAlexander Skarsgard who portrays the 1000-year-old vampire viking, Eric Northman on True Blood is featured in the December issue of the French magazine, DARK Mag.   Alexander is interviewed in the magazine and discusses his character and the show just before season 2 premieres in France December 1st. Alexander explains that when he first heard that True Blood was a show about vampires he wasn't sure about it, wondered what it might look like, and actually thought that it was a joke.  That was until he until he heard that Alan Ball was involved, who wrote and co-produced the award winning American Beauty film and TV series Six Feet Under.  Once he heard that Alan was behind the creation of True Blood he knew it was going to be great. Alexander admits that before True Blood he was never into the urban fantasy genre, however once he got the role of Eric he immersed himself into that universe 200%.  He watched classic vampire films such as Nosferatu, Dracula with Bella Lugosi, to Francis Ford Coppola to study the vampires to give his role a credible and modern interpretation. Since France will begin watching season 2 starting December 1st, Alexander explains in the interview the storyline that his character Eric will experience. He mentions that in season 1 the audience didn't see much of Eric but in season two he plays a bigger role searching for his maker Godric, a 2000-year-old vampire who has disappeared.  He describes how it is very important to Eric to find him and it allows the viewers to see another side on his character.  A vampire who is very loyal and compassionate, which is rare among vampires.  It shows that for him, being a sheriff is not just a job but a profession of faith. To read the full interview with Alexander you can find it in issue 3 of DARK Mag, on newsstands December 1, 2009 (It is in French). SOURCE: Translated from (Photo Credit: DARK Mag via

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Stephen Moyer's Final Day On The Set Of The Caller

Many thanks to Eva from the wonderful website, Puertorican Twilighters who each day would try to present as much information as she could from the set of The Caller starring Stephen Moyer in Puerto Rico.  Today Eva was fortunate enough to get up close and personal with both Stephen Moyer and Rachelle Lefevre.  As she states on her website, she had to get up quite early in the morning in order to find the location of the set (which wasn't to hard to do) and once she got there Stephen Moyer, Rachelle Lefevre and Luis Guzman were rehearsing a scene outside. Since the scene was being shot outside, she had the opportunity to be quite close to the action and watch them act out their scenes.  She observed that "in between takes, they had their make-up retouched and carried little hand-held fans to keep cool (it was hot this morning)." This was the final day of shooting for Stephen in the movie and at the end of filming "everyone on the set applauded his work and had a photo shoot before he left. Later, Rachelle and Stephen exchanged phone numbers and talked for some time, before going to lunch break." Eva mentions on her website that Stephen Moyer and Anna Paquin will be leaving Puerto Rico as Stephen has completed filming.  Stephen was able to wrap up his scenes in The Caller just in time before shooting begins for season 3 of True Blood on December 3rd. Click on the photo and go to the bottom right hand corner and click the box to enlarge it to its original size. Once again thank you so much Eva from Puertorican Twilighters, you look fantastic in the photo. [caption id="attachment_10738" align="aligncenter" width="553" caption="Eva and Stephen Moyer"]Stephen-Moyer-Puerto-Rico-1[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_10739" align="aligncenter" width="461" caption="Rachelle Lefevre and Stephen Moyer"]Stephen-Moyer-Puerto-Rico-2[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_10740" align="aligncenter" width="540" caption="Stephen Moyer and Rachelle Lefevre"]Stephen-Moyer-Puerto-Rico-3[/caption]

SOURCE: Puertorican Twilighters (Photo credits:  Puertorican Twilighters and Rachelle Lefevre on - twitpic)

True Blood's Masters FX Effects

Sookie-InjuredWe have seen True Blood's special effects and somehow we now have an idea on how True Blood vampires would die if you staked them.  The Twilight Saga, New Moon, hired the same company that True Blood uses to do their special effects. That company is none other than the 22-year-old Los Angeles-based company - Masters FX. Masters FX is owned by Todd Masters, a graduate of Sammamish High School. Masters is a drop-out of Seattle's Cornish School of Arts after attending for just a day when he was 18. But this did not impede his dreams and look at where he is at the moment. His company is credited for the contributions to films like Predator, Mortal Kombat, Nightmare on Elm Street and the t.v. show Fringe. The company's latest assignment was Twilight Saga's New Moon. Among his company's contribution to New Moon were the wounds, scars, tattoos of the Quileute characters and the very sparkly vampire death. But Masters is not into the sparkly death of vampires and is not a fan of the Stephenie Meyer's book series. He said,
"We're not really into the whole sparkly vampire thing. Vampires don't sparkle."
However, Masters FX worked their expertise in the third installment in the franchise, "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse," which is due out in June.   If he doesn't like the sparkly deaths of Twilight vampires, perhaps he loves True Blood vampires' messy death. SOURCE: (Photo credit: HBO Inc., screencaps courtesy by James)

Ryan Kwanten At His Birthday Party At Lavo In Las Vegas

ryan-kwanten-birthday-lavo-las-vegasOn Saturday, November 28, 2009, True Blood's Ryan Kwanten attended his birthday celebrations at the Lavo Nightclub in Las Vegas where he posed for photographers on their red carpet before heading in for the party.  As you will see in this video, the flashes from the photographers seemed to go on for quite some time.  Therefore if you are sensitive to these types of videos please use caution when viewing.

(Photo credit:

Vampire-Themed Wedding Shocks UK Registrar

truebloodlipsNigel and Alex Harvard from Surbiton, Surrey knew they didn't want a "big white wedding," but registrar Anne Wood wasn't quite prepared for the ceremony they planned instead.  Alex arrived in a red and black dress, and the couple were both wearing fangs. And if marrying two vampires wasn't strange enough, the guests arrived in costume as well.  The registrar told reporters:
"I had no idea what the couple had planned before the ceremony. It was only when I saw a skeleton and a group of witches in the car park that I knew it wasn't going to be a conventional wedding. It is a good job I am not of a nervous disposition as one of the witnesses was dressed as a werewolf, complete with huge hairy hands and a full head mask with fur and red eyes. I could see him in the corner of my eye throughout the ceremony."
The couple had to remove their fangs in order to make their vows since witnesses were having trouble understanding what was said.  Otherwise, the couple stayed in full costume throughout the entire ceremony, and red wine rather than Champagne was used for the wedding toast. Bride Alex said that the theme was Nigel's idea, and she was thrilled that the guests got into the spirit of the event to make their special day unique. SOURCE: (Photo credit: HBO Inc.)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

VIDEO: Stephen Moyer Explains The Nature of True Blood

In this video interview with Stephen Moyer taken back during the summer, Stephen explains the nature of True Blood.  Not only does he go into detail about the preparations he took in developing his character, vampire Bill Compton, but also the whole concept involved in creating the believable world of Bon Temps.  As usual, another very entertaining video interview with Stephen.


To watch the video click the link here. SOURCE:

True Blood Season 3 Casting News: Meet Grant Bowler

grant-bowlerAccording to the Sunday edition of the Daily Telegraph, 41-year-old Grant Bowler, from "Ugly Betty" and "LOST" has be cast in season 3 of Alan Ball's hit HBO TV vampire series True Blood.  Though he does not mention what role he has been cast in, he is quite excited to be part of the show.
"Mate, it's HBO and it's the King … it's the chance to work for an Oscar-winner [series creator Alan Ball] and alongside an Oscar-winner [Anna Paquin],"
It is going to be interesting to see what role he has been cast in as the anticipation for True Blood will begin to grow as the cast is set to return in early December to begin shooting Season 3. SOURCE: DailyTelegraph (Photo credit:

Alexander Skarsgård in Sweden's Metro Magazine

MetroCover111-copyTrue Blood's Alexander Skarsgård recently spoke with Sweden's Metro Magazine, in which he talks about his role as Eric Northman, the Vampire sheriff, discusses his acting career in general, and addresses some of the tabloid rumors that have come along with his increased fame. The folks at AlexSkarsgå translated the article. According to Alex, he's trying to settle in to life in Los Angeles and is looking for an apartment in Venice Beach close to his friends and costars, Stephen Moyer (Bill Compton) and Anna Paquin (Sookie Stackhouse).  Alex says that he and Stephen have gotten to be close friends during filming and the two of them get along very well:
"Stephen is one of the crew that I work the most with, so we've really gotten to know each other. He is bloody funny, wicked British humor, relaxed as hell. A very good friend."
Unlike his vampire alter ego, Alex has a tan from life in L.A., and he says:
"It's one of the few areas where you actually can walk around. I grew up in Söder and I'm used to having my friends living some blocks away and that you meet up at the regular places and I miss it. So I will try to re-create a mini-Söder in Venice."
Alex spoke a lot about some of his other acting work outside of Alan Ball's True Blood HBO vampire dramaseries. According to Alex, he was the first person to record his lines for the Swedish animated film Metropia. However, he says that the first time he saw the film there was "a three minutes long scene between me and my old man. He recorded his lines two months after me, it was bloody absurd."  Alex told Metro that his acting work in the United States has really increased the number of Swedish roles he's been offered as well:
"Yes. Five years ago there wasn't a casting agent who would've placed me in a Swedish Generation Kill. I was like the high school guy."
Alex has also just finished another Swedish project, Puss, under director Johan Kling, whom Alex feels is "one of the best directors in Scandinavia. Gustaf Skarsgård, Alex's little brother, also appears in the film, though they do not share screen time together.  Working with his family is something Alex would like to do more of, he says:
"We're not looking actively for any projects together, but it would be so bloody fun. I would like to work with both my old man and my two brothers, who are actors."
Since moving to Los Angeles, Alex "has gone from unemployed to celebrity," and sometimes that increased attention he gets in the United States can be intimidating:
"You're driving everywhere in L.A., so you always sit in that bubble of plate. But sure, after True Blood season two, I noticed a big difference. Of course I see that some things are written, but I never read fan sites or blogs. I don't think it's good for me. If it's negative I know it will get to me. Or you just read positive things and your ego grows and sort of explodes."
Alex doesn't think that his fame has gone to his head, however.  He tells Metro, "Nothing would hurt me more than if they [his friends] said that I have changed." In addition to discussing his career, Alex also talked a little about his personal life.  He is content as a single guy.   When Metro pressed for more information about his love life, he responded with a laugh, saying, "Are you asking me if I get laid? No, not really."  Alex dismissed the rumors about his supposed connections with costars Kate Bosworth and Evan Rachael Wood by stating:
"There's not a young woman I know in Hollywood that I haven't been connected too. But things like that happen. If I walk into a taxi with a girl, we're married."
Alex says that Kate Bosworth, his co-star in Straw Dogs "is incredibly strong in this film. She threw herself out there and took a big risk. There aren't many good looking Hollywood chicks who would do that. She's f-ing smart and a wicked girl. We are really good friends." As for his "Paparazzi" music video costar Lady Gaga, Alex says he doesn't really know her.
"...we had one day of work together. It was crazy. She's a bit sliced, but she's also very driven. We had a blast."
On his True Blood costar Evan Rachel Wood (Queen Sophie-Anne Leclerq), Alex was all praise, stating his belief that "She is one of her generations best actresses, really good. I think she will become one of the biggest. F-ing young, only 22 years." Finally, Alex says of blogger Perez Hilton who has written extensively in praise of him:
"I don't know him. It's really funny that he does his thing and that people like it. I really don't know, I have no relation to him what so ever. But apparently he's got something."

SOURCE: AlexanderSkarsgå (Photo credit: AlexanderSkarsgå

Happy Birthday Wishes To Ryan Kwanten!

We here at want to wish Ryan Kwanten aka Jason Stackhouse a very Happy 33rd Birthday today!!! We are all looking forward to seeing Ryan return for Season 3 of True Blood and seeing what type of trouble Jason is going to find himself in this time.  Have a wonderful day Ryan! Don't forget, Ryan will be celebrating his birthday at the Lavo Nightclub located at the Palazzo in Las Vegas on tonight, Saturday, November 28.  So why don't you join him in the celebrations! To get more information about the event go to or for table reservations call 702-791-1818 or e-mail:  So True Blood fans here is your chance to wish Ryan Kwanten a Happy 33rd Birthday in person and join the party!

Ryan Kwanten

Photo Credit: Bob Charlotte  / PR Photos via

Friday, November 27, 2009

VIDEO: Sam Trammell Explains Why We Love Vampires

Sam-Trammell-Sam-MerlotteSam Trammell, who portrays the lovable shapeshifter Sam Merlotte in Alan Ball's hit HBO TV vampire series True Blood spoke with E!Online and tried to find the explanation behind the vampire craze.  Also Sam reveals in the video that he has never seen Twilight but perhaps he should since it is so widely popular.  A nice little interview with Sam who is always a pleasure to watch.  Enjoy!

Watch more E! Online videos on AOL Video

SOURCE: E!Online (Photo credit:  HBO Inc.)

Alexander Skarsgard: From Sweden to LA

alexander-skarsgard-as-vampire-eric-northman-on-hbos-true-bloodMention the name Alexander Skarsgard these days, most people would cite his roles in Generation Kill or True Blood. Now, after the success of the hit HBO series True Blood and Generation Kill, Alexander Skarsgard finds himself on the cusp of playing in an even bigger league. To date, these are his two largest roles; as 'Iceman' Brad Colbert in Generation Kill and as the Viking vampire Eric Northman in True Blood, these roles have garnered him respect among his peers and celebrity status among his growing fan base but in spite of this, Alexander Skarsgard remains low-key and unassuming. But as fans of Alexander Skarsgard know, his career as an actor started in Sweden where Alexander delivered a string of impressive performances in European films and acted in several Swedish TV series. For example, he wrote and directed Att döda ett barn (2003), played Leonardo in Lorcas' Bloodwedding at Gothemburg State Theatre in 2003, appeared on stage in Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf at Södra Teatern, Stockholm, Sweden (2002), starred in Om Sara (2005), Never Be Mine (2006), Kill Your Darlings (2006), Cuppen (2006) and Exit (2006), Leende guldbruna ögon (2207) among others.In 2003, he was nominated for a Guldbagge for male supporting role in the movie Hundtricket – The Movie (The Dog Trick). Currently, in addition to his role in True Blood, Alexander can also be seen in the recently released David L. William's Beyond the Pole Rod, Tariq Saleh's Metropia, and the upcoming Rod Lurie's Straw Dogs. Lurie's film is a remake of Sam Peckinpah's 1972 cult classic of the same name. Straw Dogs was filmed in Shreveport. Only a couple of hours from New Orleans, it is a medium-sized town in the middle of the classic American South. In Lurie's re-make, Skarsgard works opposite Kate Bosworth, who plays his ex-girlfriend. During a break in shooting Straw Dogs, Skarsgard also recently returned to Visby [the largest city on the Swedish island of Gotland] where he completed complete filming Johan Kling's new movie Trust Me aka Puss ('Kiss' in Swedish). Of his role as Charlie in Lurie's Straw Dogs, Alexander indicates that he plays an alpha-male,
"I play Charlie, a football player who's the best in his team in college, a "jock" with a promising future. But he gets injured and has to stay in his small town as a carpenter. He's bitter that he didn't get to go. After a while his ex-girlfriend comes back with a new guy, an intellectual script writer from Hollywood. The movie is about how Charlie deals with his ex being with someone he sees as not a real man."
Now back in LA, he is about to commence filming the third season of True Blood. Since moving to LA two years ago, his career as an actor is going very well, and he is now poised on the edge of moving among Hollywood's elite. As Martin Gelin observed recently of Alexander Skarsgard's presumed glamorous life,
"[Alexander] claims, like actors usually do, that there isn't such a life. [...] But as usual in LA, reality tends to blend with fiction. Alexander is having a meeting with the agency Endeavor, founded by, among others, Ari Emanuel – who Ari Gold's character in Entourage is based upon. Most of the scenes from the agency are recorded at their real office, located on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills."
A couple of years ago, Endeavor would have been the perfect home for Alexander, but as we all know, since his career defining roles in Generation Kill and True Blood, a lot has happened in his career lately. And despite Endeavor having a respectable profile in Hollywood, partly due to its appearance in the TV series Entourage, it is a relatively new firm and has found its niche among the younger, hipper actors. But it isn't the most prestigious agency around. Consequently, in addition to having meetings with Endeavor, Alexander also finds himself having half a dozen meetings at other agencies. As Gelin observes,
"[I]t's a grateful ego-trip to go from office to office where everyone tries to convince him [Alexander] how good he is and why they must work together in the future [...] Right now, Skarsgard is balancing on the edge of that exclusive group of actors whose names are, that's right, brand names, and he's aiming higher when it's time to switch agent. He wants to end up in one of the largest agencies."
As Alexander himself explains,
"They have always carried a lot of weight, they make things happen, make sure you meet the right directors and producers. At the same time you want an agency that makes you its priority. If you're in the same agency as Tom Cruise there's a risk of ending up at the bottom. I'm guess I'm not really interested in that side of the industry, I have to trust my manger and my gut feeling. Like, "Nah, that guy felt like too much of a flashy LA agent."
Following a series of meetings with different agencies, it soon becomes clear to Alexander that he has to dump his old agent and as Gelin observes, Alexander is obviously nervous about the upcoming conversation he'll be having with his agent admitting that it will be "as hard as breaking up". However, following the meeting, it becomes immediately obvious that the conversation with his agent isn't as bad as he feared it would be,
"She understood me. I mean… if I would have stayed at her agency it would have been like Zlatan [Zlatan Ibrahimovic is a Swedish football player] deciding to go to Brommapojkarna instead of Ajax after Malmö. [Brommapojkarna and Malmö are smaller Swedish football clubs, Ajax is a large celebrated football club in the Netherlands.]"
It soon emerges that the agency that Alexander has chosen is Creative Artists Agency (CAA). He is now in the big league as CAA represents stars like George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Shakira, Sean Penn and Bob Dylan. Alexander SkarsgardIn between meeting with prospective agencies and catching up with friends, Alexander Skarsgard took some time out to talk about his love for football, especially of his support for Hammarby (Swedish football team), reminisce about his early life in Sweden, reflect on his career trajectory to date, his roles in Generation Kill and True Blood, and how living in LA is very different to Sweden and takes some getting used to. But behind the easy going demeanor of a söderkisen [a person from Södermalm, which is a neighborhood and island in central Sweden] in a Bajen hat [Bajen is a nickname for Swedish soccer team Hammarby IF] is an astute, well-read, contemplative European man who reveals himself through his speech which is liberally peppered with slang, curses and quotes from Tolstoy and Ibsen. When asked about how shooting conditions during True Blood compared to Generation Kill, he explains,
"It's a piece of cake compared to Generation Kill. Sure, we might work 16 hours straight sometimes, but then you're off and can chill around for two days. Generation Kill was a 145 days shoot in Africa and we shot 142 of them, 12 hours a day. I lived like that for seven months."
Alexander admits that his two HBO roles has helped lift him into the bigger league in Hollywood. He reveals,
"I actually got the part in True Blood before Generation Kill, but it took so long before we started recording that I did Generation Kill first. Then they called me again about True Blood when I was in Mozambique and did Generation Kill. Lucky for me, there was the script strike. Then True Blood was delayed and I could still make it. I was lucky."
In terms of how his career in Hollywood commenced, Alexander explains,
"I was here on vacation ten years ago, when dad was filming. His manager heard I was an actor back in Sweden. She suggested I would try some auditions and got me some. The first one I did was for Zoolander – and I got that part. Then I got my own agent. After that I was in Sweden for two years and did theatre, but got no interesting movie scripts. In 2004, I started commuting between Stockholm and LA. I thought, if I already have representation here I might as well try."
Alexander goes on to explain that it was Stellan Skarsgard (Alexander Skarsgard's father) who introduced him to the acting and actor's life,
"He [Stellan] used to bring the whole family to movie shoots, so we travelled a lot, but he hasn't actually recorded that much here in LA. He shot in Holland, Scotland, Ireland, France, Greece, Cambodia, Hungary [...] He wasn't an international actor when I grew up. It wasn't until Breaking the Waves that it happened, and then with Good Will Hunting after that, but at that point I'd already moved out. I have younger siblings that are almost 20 years younger than me, so they've lived an entirely different life with him, they've experienced the Hollywood glamour much more. When I was young he mostly worked at Dramaten [The Royal Theatre in Stockholm]. I never saw him because he had rehearsals at night. If you wanted to meet dad, you had to run around the catacombs of Dramaten."
While Alexander is now appreciative of his early upbringing in a colourful bohemian household, he admits that it wasn't always thus for him. He reveals that as a young boy, he was jealous of his friends because of the perceived normalcy of their lives. He admits that for a while he was tempted to avoid acting in the hope of pursuing a more conventional career,
"[...] I did a few jobs as a children's actor, but never had any thought of it as a career. As I got older and started thinking of how my buddies and their parents were living, of status and those things, wearing the right jeans [...] Then I thought, what the hell, a red-wine-drinking theatre-bohemian who's naked in the kitchen smoking? The buddies who had dads with shiny suits and drove a Saab 9000 and were home at night were much more attractive. It was tough, with a dad always away at night [...] But as I got older I saw the positive sides to it, that there were a lot of creative and interesting people in my life, thanks to the discharged punks my dad dragged home."
But Alexander did quit acting for a period whereupon he spent the next eight years turning down every offer he received. Instead, he studied Political Science in the UK, completed his military service as a Sergeant in the Swedish marines and planned on studying architecture in Stockholm. However, his longing for the theatre and acting never left him; he moved to the United States in his early 20s to attend Marymount Theater School in NYC, but he soon dropped out after six months. Of his period serving as a Marine, he admits that it was partly in reaction to the bohemian lifestyle of his background, saying,
"Sure, I actively sought that position. I was 19 and felt I could either go backpacking by train for 6 months, go to Bangkok to some cafe, or do this. But of course you ask yourself when you're lying buried in a swamp for four days: Why am I doing this? Especially when you got postcards from buddies in Australia who were hanging out with kangaroos. But looking back, I haven't regretted doing it for a second."
Of his move to New York to enroll in the Marymount Theatre School to study acting and his subsequent dropping out, he explains,
"I was twenty and got into an acting school there. I had planned on living there for four years, studying. But then I met a girl in Sweden first summer break. So I dropped out of school and went home for love. She was 17 and I was 20. We didn't even know each other, we had only hung out for four weeks and had just fallen in love. It ended after four days."
Once he moved back to Sweden, Alexander Skarsgard had a string of roles in European films and on Swedish TV but LA beckoned, and he moved to LA permanently two years ago. However, he admits that living in LA takes some getting used to. Although he mostly hangs out with the gang from Generation Kill, among others, when asked if he can imagine staying in LA, he replies,
"No. I feel comfortable as long as I'm working, the whole town is made up around the movie industry. It's a very creative environment. But I miss the intensity of regular cities. You don't see any people here, just cars. There are 15 million people in LA but you see more people on the streets of Skövde [trans note: Swedish small town] than here. There are good restaurants, cozy cafes, all of that, but the spontaneity disappears a bit when you have to take your car everywhere. You have to park all the time. Then you have dinner and you're like: shouldn't we have another bottle of wine? But you can't because you have to drive home."
He continues to explain that he still finds it hard to adjust to living in LA, especially to the lifestyle and the mindset,
"People can be kind of fleeting. There's a lot of "Great, we'll have lunch tomorrow then!" and then you're kind of Swedish saying "Okay, should we say 2pm?" But it never happens. A lot of stuff gets planned that never gets followed through, and you're not that accustomed to that. At the same time there's an awesome energy here. You're allowed to dream and have visions of doing things that might not follow the norm 100%, which people have a harder time accepting in Sweden. Everything that sticks out is considered a little bit frightening back home."
In addition, he observes that the people in LA have a very different fashion sense compared to the Swedes or to Scandinavians, for that matter. When asked about what he thinks about the dress sense or clothing style in LA, Alexander observes,
"There are hipsters at the rock clubs in Silverlake that look like those in New York or at (the rock club) Debaser in Stockholm. In Hollywood, there's a lot of money. Preferably, it should be very visible, and they go a little overboard. Instead of a regular suit jacket, they buy one with skulls on the back and large fringes hanging from the sleeves [...]They have to "toughen things up" a little, they want shirts that show that they aren't boring agent guys that sit in their offices all day, so it's important to have skulls on your back. There's a lot of Ed Hardy-fashion here, but it's not really my style. It gives me a headache."
In contrast, in spite having lived in LA for several years now, Alexander Skarsgard retains the typical understated style of a Scandinavian man, preferring the classic styling provided by Whyred, Fifth Avenue Shoe Repair, Acne, Raf Simons and Rick Owens. He does admit, however, that he went through a typical rebellious phase where
"[he] bought pink pants, a bunch of strings and, like, a kids' hat saying "Alexander". I wish I could say I was 14. But I was probably 21. Fuck, can we say 14?"
Later in the day, Alexander hangs out with his acting friends from Generation Kill. They are there to meet Evangeneration kill 2 Wright, the embedded reporter whose book was turned into the hit HBO series Generation Kill. Wright has just released Hella Nation and has a book event at the Farmer's Market. Wright's new book is about the darker underbelly of the USA. The book itself gives an account of his time spent with neo-nazis, crystal meth junkies, porn stars and those who spend their time spinning insane conspiracy theories. Wright, who continues to keep in touch with the Generation Kill actors, meets the actors at his Barnes & Noble book reading and they later decamp to a nearby restaurant for a catch-up. As Gelin observes the dinner conversation, he notes Wright making an observation of Alexander. Wright attempts to sum up Alexander by indicating that he,
"[Alexander] is trying to act like a "complicated Swede" by "coming alone to parties and talking self-pitying about his hard life as a single." The level of truth of this is unclear. Alexander laughs, shrugs and says: "Sure…""
While he becomes used to being recognized in his native Sweden, following his HBO roles in True Blood and Generation Kill, Alexander does admit that there are advantages and disadvantages to being increasingly recognized in LA too. For example, of the recent paparazzi gossip and internet inspired spin regarding his dating Evan Rachel Wood (also in True Blood), Alexander states simply,
"We're just friends from the show. It's the kind of garbage you have to live with."
Tariq Saleh, director of Metropia, further explains,
"On the outside he looks pretty free of sorrows – he has a fantastic job in Hollywood, he's a tall guy all the girls want, a lot of guys envy him. But if there wasn't anything underneath he wouldn't get the parts he gets. He can play an ungrateful character, but you like him anyway, because it feels like there's something inside him that could break. A mysterious vulnerability. Another thing I like about Alexander is that he really can really drink! If you try to keep up with him you end up with alcohol poisoning and embarrass yourself irrevocably."
On the other hand, the advantages of getting increasingly recognized for his HBO roles has meant that he is now managed by CAA and along with that comes the possibility of even bigger roles. However, Alexander Skarsgard is not a man to rest on his laurels career-wise,
"But I still notice I have these thoughts about what will happen next. What do I do in six years? I guess you'll have to live with that uncertainty as long as you freelance."
He admits that it would be great to take a break from the alpha male roles he's played so far, and that he would love to work with Gus van Sant,
"Paranoid Park was so tremendously good, it hit me extremely hard. I'd love to play someone more insecure, someone less alpha male. It's been a lot of that."
Who knows what the future holds? But now that Alexander is with CAA, maybe he'll get the chance to tackle those type of roles. Nonetheless, it is safe to say that the future does look bright for Alexander Skarsgard. And judging from his work to date, we can be assured that no matter what roles he takes on, he is bound to continue delivering fine performances, creating, at the same time complex, nuanced characters on both the big and small screen. SOURCE: CAFE Magazine via Picture credit: HBO Inc., Albert L. Ortega / PR Photos via

How To Deal With Vampires

BillVampires are now considered as boyfriend material. Correct me if I'm wrong but some would even want to present themselves to be bitten by the odd creatures. But if the likes of True Blood's Bill and Eric or Twilight's Edward Cullen and Stefan Salvatore of Vampire Diaries and oh, let's not forget the old time favorite - Dracula would fall for you, can you resist?! Anyway, here's the "how to" list in dealing with vampires. How to make sure he's a vampire... True Blood vampires are out and about in public. So, Bill, Eric, and the others would surely tell you that they're vampires and well, they're night creatures so you'll be able to only see them at night time. Twilight saga's Edward Cullen has icy skin, and changing eye color and when he's exposed to sunlight, he'll definitely sparkle. But it's difficult to tell if Stefan of Vampire Diaries is a real vampire because you need to ask him so it depends on him if he'll tell you the truth or not. On the other hand, Dracula's the easiest to spot - he doesn't have a reflection in a mirror and he wears the his legendary cape and tux. How to make him fall in love with you... If Bill's your type, you have to treat him equally and you shouldn't be afraid of his odd vampire ways and be generous enough to let him taste your blood. You have to smell like Edward's favorite dinner and dessert if you want him badly. You also need not to freak out when Stefan tells you that he's a vampire. But if you love the old Dracula, you should perfect the lust craft and it would also help if you resemble the woman he used to love in the past hundreds of years. How to keep him away and protect yourself.... Don't invite Bill inside your humble abode - he can't let himself in if you don't give your permission and anything silver will cause injuries. You need to look into Edward's eyes for an indicator - if it's black, it means ravenous and risky and if it's golden, sated and safe. To drive Stefan away, wear a locket around your neck that contains vervain and just like Bill, he can't come inside your house if he has no permission but just try not to look in his eyes - he can hypnotize you for sure. On the other hand, garlic and a cross will do for Dracula. How to kill him... A stake right through Bill's heart would definitely end him. As for Edward, you'll be needing the help of the Volturi. If you're aching to kill Stefan, weaken him using vervain and then stake him. And still you need to stake Dracula preferably when he's resting in his favorite coffin. How to keep him yours forever... Persuade Bill to be your maker - that is letting him drain you and drink some of his blood then spend a night together buried. Or convince Edward to bite and inject lots of venom into your body when you're near death so that you'll transform into a vampire like him. You have to get bitten by a vampire, feed on his blood, die, rise from the dead then feed on a human if you want to be with Stefan forever. And if you wanted to be Dracula's companion, he must bite, drain and kill you but don't worry because the next night, you'll be like him. Source: (Photo credit:

Chance To Win The Original True Blood Pilot Script Signed By Creator Alan Ball

True-Blood-Pilot-Script-Alan-BallMany thanks to The Vault for sending this post to us and allowing us to post it on our site.  The Vault is giving away four very special unique collectors items in an online raffle of which ALL the proceeds will go directly to the Choroideremia Research Foundation. HBO and Alan Ball graciously provided The Vault with an original script of the pilot episode of True Blood and a Blu-ray of True Blood season 1 both signed by the creator of the show himself: Mr. Alan Ball. True Blood actress Deborah Ann Woll (Jessica Hamby) will also give away a personalized t-shirt and head shot photo.

Choroideremia is a degenerative hereditary eye disease that attacks the peripheral vision and slowly erodes it over time until total blindness. Scientists discovered the exact location of the Choroideremia gene on the X chromosome in the early 1990's. New research based on these findings now drives the search for a treatment. However, at present there is no effective treatment or cure. With proper funding the Choroideremia Research Foundation (CRF) is potentially within two short years of human clinical trials to CURE Choroideremia!

Deborah Ann Woll is personally involved in the fight to find a cure for this disease as her boyfriend, E.J. Scott has Choroideremia and so do several of his family members. Here are the rules on how you can participate in this raffle:
One Raffle with 4 winners:
  • 1st prize: 1 Original script of the pilot episode of True Blood signed by Alan Ball
  • 2nd prize: 1 Blu-ray of True Blood Season 1 signed by Alan Ball
  • 3rd prize: 1 I ? Vampire Jessica t-shirt signed and personalized by Deborah Ann Woll
  • 4th prize: 1 signed and personalized head shot of Deborah Ann Woll signed by Deborah Ann Woll
How to participate:
  • 1 ticket for the raffle costs $5.
  • You can buy as many tickets as you like, but you must buy them 1 at a time, because the transaction number is your raffle ticket number.
  • You buy your ticket(s) by PayPal or credit card by clicking on the special PayPal button below, the money will go directly into the account of the Choroideremia Research Foundation.
  • PayPal will send you a transaction number. This transaction number is your raffle ticket number. Keep this number in a safe place!
  • Leave a valid email address, because you will receive your transaction number by email and that is your raffle ticket number.
  • Everybody worldwide can participate.
  • The 4 winners will be drawn randomly from all the participants.
  • The 4 winners will be contacted by email, so be sure to leave a valid email when you purchase your ticket(s).
The raffle will close on January 10, 2010 at 8pm EST, when The Vault will take down the PayPal button. They will draw the winning raffle ticket numbers on January 11, 2010. All four winners will be notified and the winning raffle ticket numbers will be published on the Vault after they have contacted the winners. To purchase your tickets click the link here to be taken to The Vault's site and be directed to the secured PayPal site. For more information about the CRF visit The Choroideremia Research Foundation website. The CRF is a registered charity and therefore buying a raffle ticket is like making a donation to them and these donations are tax deductible for US citizens. Thanks to all True Blood fans for participating in this wonderful cause and helping find a cure for this disease. SOURCE:  The Vault (Photo credit: The Vault)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Nest of Vampires in Old San Juan

Stephen MoyerStephen Moyer, the actor, best known for his role as Vampire Bill Compton in the hit HBO series True Blood is currently in Puerto Rico working on his role in the The Caller. The film also stars Luis Guzman and Lorna Raver. Rachelle Lefevre, who plays Victoria in the Twilight saga, replaced Brittany Murphy, who stepped down from the role. It does seem that some of our favorite vampires are down in Puerto Rico at the moment and as local newspapers state Stephen is very charming and likeable. Puerto Rico also happened to be the island where both Pirates of the Caribbean and The Rum Diary were shot. The cast met with the technical team on Thursday, November 19, where they had their first read through of the script and Friday, November 20 was the official start of filming, which took take place in San Juan. Some of the scenes will be filmed in an apartment located at Norzagaray street in Old San Juan, while others will be shot at the popular restaurant La Bombonera. Other locations include La Puntilla where Stephen and Rachelle are currently preparing for several night shoots including a steamy sex scene that Stephen and Rachelle's characters will share with each other.  According to local newspapers this is the only sex scene that will occur in the film to the dismay of perhaps many Stephen Moyer fans. The Caller is about a divorcee, Mary Kee (Rachelle Lefevre), who begins to receive mysterious calls on her antique phone from an unknown caller named Rose. She quickly begins to feel haunted in her own home and her fears heighten when she discovers that Rose is calling from the past. When Mary threatens to end contact with Rose, the mysterious woman threatens to harm Mary in the past, forcing Mary to come to the dawning realization that she will have to kill this person in order to survive. But how does one kill someone in the past? Stephen Moyer plays John Guidi, Mary's new love interest and main support. Ed Quinn (also of True Blood) plays Mary's abusive ex-husband. There are also several Puerto Rican actors who have been cast for this movie, namely, Alfedo de Quesada, Gladys Rodriguez, Cordelia Gonzalez, Grace Connelly and Aris Mejias. Gladys Rodriguez, for example, has already filmed her first scene where she plays Concheta, the mother of John Guidi (Stephen Moyer). Rodriguez says of her experience with working with Stephen and Rachelle,
"I worked with both and they are charming. They are stars and yet are very simple. He is a sweetheart and as does my son, was very kind to me, giving me lots of kisses and hugs. It's nice to work with them because they dominate the art of cinema...They are young people full of vitality and good actors. For me, it was an honor to work with them and with the director (Matthew Parkhill)."
The Caller is scheduled to be released sometime in 2010. SOURCES: Photo credit: Jose R. Madera / STAFF / El Nuevo Dia

Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer Thanksgiving in Puerto Rico

Anna Paquin and Stephen MoyerIn an interview with Entertainment Tonight Anna Paquin stated that she will be in Puerto Rico during the American Thanksgiving.  Stephen Moyer is currently filming there in his latest thriller entitled "The Caller" alongside Twilight star Rachelle Lefevre, Luis Guzman and Lorna Raver.  Since Anna is a Canadian-born New Zealander and Stephen is English, the American Thanksgiving holiday is not celebrated in either household.
"I'm not American, so Thanksgiving is not really a huge tradition in my household. And my fiance is English. We're going to be in Puerto Rico, so I think I'm going to lie on a beach and start working on my tan."
However, Anna does mentions the things that she is thankful for in her life right now by stating:
"Things in my life right now are so incredibly amazing that sometimes I can't quite believe it's all really happening. I have a lot to be thankful for and I'm very grateful for all the things that have landed on my lap!"
We all need to be aware of the things we should be thankful for not only on Thanksgiving but perhaps everyday and it is wonderful to hear Anna reflect upon this. SOURCE: Photo Credit: Chris Hatcher / PR Photos via

VIDEO: Anna Paquin From The Set of The Romantics

Anna-Paquin-The-RomanticsEntertainment Tonight recently interviewed Anna Paquin and the rest for the cast from the set of "The Romantics" where Anna and the various cast members discussed their roles and the making of the film.  This appears to be a very funny movie and one of those "feel good" films that many will find enjoyable.

VIDEO: Ryan Kwanten's Appearance on the Chelsea Lately Show

Ryan-Kwanten-Brown-HairRyan Kwanten, best known for his amazing portrayal of the lovable Jason Stackhouse on Alan Ball's hit HBO TV vampire series True Blood appeared on The Chelsea Lately Show on Tuesday, November 24, 2009 which was recorded in Australia at the Sydney's Foxtel Studios.  It very enjoyable to watch Ryan as he told a very funny incident that happened when his mother attended a Hollywood gala function with him.  It was very cute!  Enjoy!

Happy Birthday Kristin Bauer!!!

We here at want to wish Kristin Bauer aka Pam a very Happy 36th Birthday today!!! We are all looking forward to seeing Kristin return for Season 3 of True Blood and seeing her play the delightfully sarcastic vampire Pam.  Have a wonderful day Kristin!

Kristin Bauer

(Photo Credit: Tina Gill / PR Photos via

Happy Thanksgiving From TrueBloodNet!

We here at would like to wish everyone who is celebrating today a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!  We would like to say thank you to all the wonderful people who visit our site.  What we are thankful for is the wonderful opportunity to share with other fellow True Blood fans the love and appreciate 0f one of the best TV shows on television:  True Blood.  Thank you all and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


(Photo credit: