Saturday, July 31, 2010

True Blood Season 3 Spoiler Video: More Unseen Scenes

More never before seen clips from season 3 of True Blood are presented in this latest video.  The video shows scenes we have seen up to now, but also include some new scenes that will appear on Sunday's episode of True Blood on HBO.  So sit back, relax and enjoy this teaser!

Auction for a Role in True Blood

Have you ever wanted to be on True Blood? Well, now you have a chance and a great way to help with charity. True Blood is auctioning a non-speaking extra walk on role. This ticket will only include one person but you would be able to bring an extra person with you to the set of True Blood. All the proceeds are going to the Los Angeles Children's Hospital. Currently, there have been 14 bids with each bid being a minimum increment of $500.00. The going amount right now is $8,500. The auction started Friday, July 23rd and will continue until August 18th at 6:00 p.m. This is a great opportunity to show case your love for True Blood and to help out a children's hospital, what more could you ask for? You can click below to bid. Source: (Photo Credit: HBO Inc.)

Friday, July 30, 2010

My 2010 True Blood at Comic-Con Experience

Exactly a week ago today, I was at Comic-Con, pumped up for the True Blood panel and everything else True Blood related that I could see and do. There was a TON of True Blood stuff at Comic-Con, and regardless of what someone told me, True Blood was THE talk of Con once again! (That person told me Inception would be all people were talking about.) For me, the True Blood experience started Wednesday when I arrived in San Diego for Preview Night at Comic-Con. I was lucky enough to be staying at the San Diego Bayfront Hotel, which is the hotel that had the True Blood elevators. I loved those elevators, and each trip up and down was an absolute pleasure! I did attend Preview Night, and while there, I did get my hands on the True Blood comic book issue #1 with the IDW exclusive cover. However, Preview Night was pretty overwhelming for me, so I left early in order to get extra sleep and prepare for the first official day of Comic-Con. On Thursday, the first day of Comic-Con, I went to the composer panel that featured not only True Blood scorer Nathan Barr, but many other composers who I really admire. As a massive surprise to myself and the rest of the audience, Charlaine Harris opened the panel. It was great, and hearing Charlaine talk about how important music is was a great treat! As the panel went on, Nathan had a lot to say about scoring, but one thing that really stood out to me in the panel was when Nathan talked about how he has some weird instruments, including one made from human bone! (It's a human bone trumpet, it came from Tibet, and it's made from a femur.) Talk about something that's both creepy and cool! Of course, lots of things were said that were really interesting. Musicians and composers often have great tales about their projects you wouldn't hear about otherwise, so if you have a chance, take advantage of that and talk to the composers of the shows you like! You never know what you may hear from them! After the panel, I had the chance to say hi to Nathan again (I've met him a couple of times previously) as well as send him another hello from my godfather, who knows him. Nathan was super sweet, as always, and I'm grateful that he and the other composers were all willing to take time for the fans. Thankfully, that was an easy and very fun part of Comic-Con. I only wish Friday had gone as well as Thursday did. Friday at Comic-Con was absolutely insane. Not only was I surrounded by 125,000 of my closest friends, my first experience of the day was an absolutely frustrating one. I made sure to arrive early so I could say hello to a friend at a booth before heading towards the WB booth to wait for hours until the True Blood signing. Once I got over to the area where the WB Booth was, everything was pure pandemonium. First, I had to find a place to sit near the wall, and security at Con was not very good. Every time a new security person came around, new directions were issued at me and everyone sitting around me. It was very frustrating, and only got worse as the hours went on. During that wait, I sat and talked to tons of True Blood fans about what they liked about Season 3, and everyone had nice things to say about how intense True Blood is and how waiting for a new episode every Sunday can be painful because everyone wants more, and they want it now! To me, it was like being in TrueBloodNet's fan community, where I've heard the same thing over and over again! There was one strange surprise during that wait time, though. Sarah Palin was at Comic-Con. I didn't believe it was really her until I walked up to her (as a nice fellow fan saved the area I was sitting at) and saw that it really wasn't Tina Fey in costume. I did say hi, then walked back to where I was sitting. The other True Blood fans and I all joked around about the reasons Sarah might have for being at Comic-Con, but really could't come up with any reasons. Either way, it was a nice distraction during the long wait for the True Blood signing. This is where the pandemonium began. The line setup for the True Blood signing line was absolutely horrific. There were probably around 1,000 fans eagerly awaiting the True Blood signing, and all had been told different things by security. By the time lining up for the panel was approved, there was a whole set of new usurpers in the "official" line, and those people were the ones who got in over everyone else. Security also allowed a smaller aisle near the WB Booth to be entirely blocked by even more fans waiting for the True Blood signing! The final effect was that a lot of people, myself included, could not get into the panel and were very upset. Were I to have been in charge of security and lines near the WB Booth, I would have done a lot of things differently. First, I would have put the signing in a different room and not on the dealer's floor. Second, I would have held drawings to get in line for the signing. The insanity would have been prevented had that done been done. Hopefully next year, the True Blood signing line will be set up differently. That's not the end of my story, though. I was lucky, once again, to get into the True Blood panel, thanks entirely to a friend. Once I got in (a couple panels early), I searched for a seat and even found a really good one. I was in the second set of seating (behind the first main aisle) on the left side of the room. My seat was not as close as it was in 2009, but it was pretty close! However, I was not in that seat for very long. Instead, as soon as the question line was announced, I walked over to it and sat there for the majority of the panel. The panel was fantastic! The moderator of the panel was awesome, and he made sure to spread his time and questions amongst everyone on the panel. There was also a very amusing moment where Stephen Moyer and Anna Paquin brought a cardboard cutout of Alexander Skarsgard to the panel and jokingly caressed it as they set it down. The panel audience was howling with laughter! There were several great moments throughout the panel, and a few really stick out in my mind. One was a joke aimed at Rutina Wesley about how Tara should try dating using I thought it was really funny, and a lot of the audience agreed! Another great moment was hearing directly from Alan Ball that Joe Manganiello is now going to be a full cast member for Season 4. Lots of cheering and hooting were heard after that announcement. For me, though, the top moments of the panel over anything else were Alan Ball's declaration that Bill and Sookie are soul mates and getting the chance to ask a question during the panel. I was the second to last question that the panel answered, and I asked Stephen Moyer about how Bill's evolution as a character has affected him as an answer. I swear I could feel myself glowing when Stephen told me that I'd asked a good question! All in all, even though some of the things that happened to me at Comic-Con was sincerely frustration, I had a great time. I just wish it all hadn't happened so quickly, because I can barely remember a lot of what I experienced. Thankfully, though, you all can join me in seeing what I saw live by clicking here and watching the videos of the True Blood panel! (Image Credits: Isis Nocturne and

Denis O'Hare Says It's Good To Be King had a few questions for the vampire king of MississippiTrue Blood's King Russell Edgington, played wonderfully by Denis O'Hare, is causing a great deal of angst this season for Bill and Sookie fans. When asked about the king's intended plans for the vampire blood addicted werewolves in his employ, Denis said that all his plans have to be revised due to certain events occurring in episodes 7 and 8.  "Things start to go really crazy." Now we're intrigued.  What about more somewhat disturbing scenes such as the eating frenzy of the stripper in the king's limo?  All Denis would share is that Russell is in bed with someone in episode 10 when stuff happens.  He would not say what things, nor would he admit to his bed partner being male, female, human, vampire or werewolf. Of course playing with wolves has been one of Denis' more fun experiences on the show.  He said working with real wolves is incredible.
"I got to meet one young wolf and actually sit down and pet him before he knocked me over on my ass.  They're fantastic animals."
Stating that it is, indeed, good to be king, Denis admitted that Russell can do whatever he wants - order people around, eat who he wants.  "It's fantastic."  And yes, the show should move from Bon Temps to Jackson, where there are better restaurants and large plantation houses. Asked if he was rooting for Bill or Alcide, with regard to Sookie, Denis put it simply.  "I'm on Team Russell.  My team." Watch more True Blood drama unfolding Sunday night on HBO. Source: (Photo credit -

Reality Bites - Session 7: Gory Days

Every week, a diverse panel of Bon Temps residents gather to watch and discuss each new episode of HBO's True Blood. The sessions are moderated by Nina Harken, PhD candidate interested in finding out what the real folks of Bon Temps think of the portrayal of their town and their people on HBO's hit series.

NINA: Wow...that was quite an intense ending...anyone care to share any thoughts? [CHUCK and ELIJAH both have their fangs out and are staring at the TV screen intently.  ELIJAH'S gaze shifts toward MADISON.] ELIJAH Would you like to step out for a drink? MADISON I'd love too. [MADISON'S Mother smacks MADISON on the shoulder.  MADISON shakes her head and blinks a couple of times.] NINA None of that, Elijah. That was the deal. [ELIJAH'S fangs retract as he looks somewhat defeated.] MADISON How cool is it that Eric is that close to fulfilling a 2,000 year old promise of vengeance? BYRON It is quite interesting to see Mr. Northman maneuver around all of the players in this game.  We clearly know what he wants, but it is fascinating to see what he will do to achieve it. CHUCK They better not kill off that Sookie girl.  Not only is she hot but she's one of the few main girl characters who will actually get naked. NATHAN I mean, I know they won't kill her. You can't kill off the main character of the series. But... man, they sure know how to make you nervous, showing clips of her in the hospital... MADISON Yeah! That was freaky. NATHAN But supposedly they're going to kill someone. Or a few someones. NINA Let's not get ahead of ourselves, here. What about this episode? NATHAN I don't know... I thought the King's whole plan of world domination seemed a little lame. He sounds like a bad comic book villian. ELIJAH Russell had a point, though, about the human race destroying itself. Sad, really. NINA Was he right about supernaturals not getting along? [Silence] TRACY It just ain't that easy. BYRON Supernaturals, as I understand, are just like nationalities, very set in their ways, their traditions. It makes adjusting to each other unnecessarily difficult. ELIJAH And humans do not make anything easier with their judgements and self-entitled attitude. MADISON Excuse me? ELIJAH Sorry, darlin', but it is true. MADISON What about Lafayette and Jesus? It's so sad that Jesus left him. CHUCK Can't say I was too comfortable with that whole situation. MADISON Seriously? They were adorable. HENRIETTA But that Lafayette is a drug dealer. That boy is only trouble. Even Jesus couldn't save him. MADISON We don't know that yet. NATHAN Is Jesus something? NINA What do you mean? NATHAN Like, a supernatural of some kind? Clearly not a vampire, but a shifter or something? TRACY Don't think he's a were. BYRON It is very possible he is some kind of supernatural, perhaps one we haven't seen yet. NINA Well, we can't discuss this any further until we see more episodes.  How about the whole Tara story line? HENRIETTA How could Tara not know to use a stake?  Heaven Almighty, the good Lord grace that child with several weapons that could have easily been used as a stake and she chose that? CHUCK Easy there grandma. TRACY Yeah, Tara's pretty much screwed.  Though it was awesome how she out-thought that werewolf from Coot's pack to save Sookie. MADISON I was also happy to see that Alcide didn't abandon Sookie.  And OMG, we finally saw him as a wolf! TRACY Oooo, thats so's like we haven't seen any other wolves yet. ELIJAH So here's a query:  I'm ecstatic that Jessica is feeding like we ought to be feeding, but if she is so upset that she's going to kill her dinner, why doesn't she just drink True Blood? CHUCK You can actually suck that stuff down?  I thought you were better than that. ELIJAH You thought?  Most impressive. MADISON Is there really that much of a difference between human blood and True Blood? ELIJAH & CHUCK Yes. NATHAN Elijah is right, they do stock True Blood at Merlotte's.  Why doesn't she just drink that? HENRIETTA I gotta say this: The people who make this show finally got something right about Bon Temps.  That lady in the bar who was there 'til all hours of the evening is just like that Tillie Thibedeaux.  Walking 'round town with curlers in her hair, in her night gown. Mmm-mmm. MADISON Oh, I know that lady! My friends say she likes to come into the diner right before they close and orders a huge meal. HENRIETTA In't she something? Rudest woman to walk this good earth. NATHAN Was anyone honestly surprised about the whole dog fighting thing with Sam's brother? I thought that one was too easy. TRACY Dogs fighting is one thing. It happens. Dogs will be dogs. But to be forced to do it for money? Horrible. BYRON That Tommy needs to stand up for himself. No man, shifter or otherwise, should be forced into something so violent at someone else's behest. MADISON Is there really dog fighting around here? BYRON No there is not. NINA Oh, I just thought of something. This episode was awful bloody. Too bloody? ELIJAH Never. MADISON I don't know... Tara biting into Franklin's neck was pretty gross. Really gross. NATHAN Lorena messed up Bill real good. It had to be like slow torture. ELIJAH I'm just assuming that was her point. MADISON Would a vampire really do that? ELIJAH ... I don't know. I do know that the show has properly indicated the bond between a vampire and his maker. Whether it is like a parent and child, or two lovers, there is blood shared. The relationship is a lasting one. To kill your own creation cannot be easy. CHUCK Yeah, what he said. MADISON But why would she let the werewolves drink his blood? That seemed mean. TRACY Those two weres are trash. CHUCK I'm the drinker. I don't want nobody drinking from me. TRACY Who would want to? NINA Alright, alright. I'm glad these conversations can go on their own without too much intervention on my part. I appreciate it. To encourage more True Blood fan feedback, our Bon Temps Residents panel has agreed to field questions and comments from fellow "Trubies."  Leave your question or comment in the space below and perhaps someone from our panel will respond directly to you. Thanks and good night. Authors: Sarah Pugh and Cory Brin Header: K. Rose This column is a parody of the Gothic fantasy series, True Blood, and as such, is presented here for your amusement. "Reality Bites" and the various writers that contribute to it, have no relationship/affiliation to HBO, True Blood, or any of the cast or crew of said nor any relation to Charlaine Harris's Sookie Stackhouse novels.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

VIDEO: True Blood Season 3 Spoiler: Sam Clip

Sam Merlotte is really working hard to make his family's life at least a little better. In the most recent True Blood episode, we saw Sam ask Andy Bellefleur about if there was dog fighting near Bon Temps. When Andy told Sam what he needed to know, Sam drove off in search of it, hoping to find Tommy before anything else could happen. This new clip from HBO shows the beginning of what happens next, and a bit of what we'll see in the next new True Blood episode. What do you think is going to happen next?

VIDEO: True Blood Season 3 Spoiler: Hoyt & Summer Clip

This new clip from the next episode of True Blood was released today by HBO. In it, the girl who Hoyt went out with in a previous episode, Summer, comes over to his house. She takes a chance and tells Hoyt that she likes him. Luckily for Hoyt, a friend joins in on the conversation before he has a chance to reply to Summer. Though we know that Hoyt and Jessica are broken up, do you think Hoyt's ready for a new girlfriend?

VIDEO: True Blood Season 3 Spoiler: Eric and Sophie-Anne Clip

HBO released a few clips from the next episode of True Blood earlier today. This one takes place in Queen Sophie-Anne's home, and involves her, Eric Northman, and Hadley. Eric is trying to find out what Sookie is, and threatens Hadley to get that information from Sophie-Anne. How is this going to affect the rest of the season?

True Blood's Deborah Ann Woll on Beauty

Deborah Ann Woll is one of many beautiful women who star on True Blood, and she recently did a photoshoot for MARKTbeauty. Besides the photoshoot, Deborah talked about working on True Blood and shared a little personal story. One of the things Deborah discussed was the blood used on True Blood. She says that depending on what kind of a wound is in the scene being filmed, the "blood" we see can be a sweet chocolate that's very syrupy or even pureed vegetables. That blood doesn't gross Deborah out in the least though. She says that she doesn't get scared and she really enjoys filming the weird and gross parts of whatever project she works on. Instead, she finds those parts of her work intriguing. Deborah seems to be pretty fearless. She's so fearless, in fact, that Deborah did something pretty big when she was only 15. Not everyone may know it, but Deborah is not a natural redhead. She's actually a blonde. Because Deborah often felt like she was being overlooked as a blonde, at 15 she rectified that issue by going to a store and buying the nicest red dye she could find. Once she got home, her hair color (and her life) changed forever. Nowadays, Deborah says she "might go blond for a role, but [she'll] always be a redhead." It's a great look on Deborah, and it fits her perfectly in her role as Jessica Hamby! To see the rest of the gorgeous pictures from the photoshoot, click here and they're right above where the article starts. SOURCE: MARKTbeauty (Image Credit: Flood)

VIDEO: Joe Manganiello Says Alcide is Ready to Fight for Sookie

Joe Manganiello, our favorite werewolf, Alcide, conducted an interview with Laura Saltman for Access Hollywood while at Comic-Con 2010 and said he's thrilled to be part of the family of his favorite TV show.  Joe said it's understood, not written, that he would appear without his shirt, so it's no carbs for him for 6 years!  As to Alcide's relationship with Sookie, all Joe would say is that there could be some fighting over her now that she's single and Alcide is single.

VIDEO: Nelsan Ellis Talks about Lafayette's Romance at Comic-con 2010

Nelsan Ellis, (aka Lafayette) conducted an interview with Laura Saltman for Access Hollywood while at Comic-Con 2010 and said that after 3 years of attending Comic Con, the love is much bigger and wilder this year.  The fans are passionate about the show.  Regarding the Emmy nominations, Nelsan said True Blood is gonna whoop the competition, or whoever else might win.  They talked about Lafayette's boy toy, Jesus, being a sweet dude.

VIDEO: Alan Ball Discusses True Blood at Comic-Con 2010

True Blood creator Alan Ball conducted an interview with Laura Saltman for Access Hollywood while at Comic-Con 2010 and said he's on a thrill ride now that the show has taken off.  He was completely surprised and very, very happy about the show's Emmy nomination.  As spoilers, Alan said that in the next few episodes everything hits the fan.  We will find out what Sookie is and learn more about the strange situation Jason is in with Crystal.

Sam Trammell to Appear on The Tonight Show!

Handsome and talented "True Blood" actor Sam Trammell who plays Sam Merlotte on the hit HBO TV series will be appearing on Jay Leno's Tonight Show on Tuesday, August 3rd! The Tonight Show airs at 11:35 EDT on NBC. Set your DVD's now and be sure to tune in. Hopefully Sam will tell us a little bit about his just finished project "Guns, Girls and Gamboling" as well as giving us some skinny about "True Blood"! (Photo credit:

VIDEO: Deborah Ann Woll Dishes about Jessica at Comic-Con 2010

Deborah Ann Woll, our "baby vamp" Jessica conducted an interview with Laura Saltman for Access Hollywood while at Comic-Con 2010 promoting the 3rd season of True BloodDeborah showed up with brown hair due to a new movie she is currently shooting, but fans still recognized her. Last year she was fairly new to the show and this year a lot more folks know her.  She's enjoying her fame and said doing the show is a lot of fun.  They discussed a bit about Jessica's love interest, but Deborah couldn't say where it's going.

VIDEO: Sam Trammel Talk about Comic-con 2010 Fans

Always dedicated to his fans, Sam Trammell discusses the 3rd season of True Blood with Access Hollywood's Laura Saltman. Is this shape-shifter scared the weres will take over Bon Temps? Hardly. Sam talks about his characters developing story arch, which stems from Sam Merlotte's season 2 decision to look for his biological family. Meeting his parents and brother, Sam is faced with blood ties and looking after his family, even though it may get him into trouble. In the video interview Sam discusses a little of what his character will face when it come to himself and his new family. When he isn't on the set of True Blood, Sam seems to always be hanging out with fans. For the third time, Sam plunges into Comic-Con 2010 weekend for the best fan experience while promoting the 3rd season. Sam discusses what he thinks about the fans as well as the Emmy critics who have nominated True Blood for a 2010 Best Drama award.

VIDEO: Rutina Wesley Dishes about Tara Thornton

Rabid is the word Rutina uses to describe True Blood fans in an interview with Laura Saltman for Access Hollywood. The mass hysteria fans bring is exactly why Rutina enjoys her time at to Comic-Con 2010 promoting the 3rd season of True Blood. Surprise seems to be the reaction on both Rutina and the fans' faces when they encounter one another. Rutina is surprised and excited with how much intensity True Blood fans have when it comes to the cast and show. She enjoys meeting the real and honest fans dedicated to True Blood. Fans are pretty excited that Rutina, unlike Tara, is quite nice. As for her character this season, Rutina agrees that Tara has been through a roller coaster of emotions. With the death of Eggs, Tara seems to be lost and broken. In her grieving process she has become involved with a crazy vampire named Franklin, who is more than a little obsessed with Tara. The 3rd season will find Tara tied up or running from this mad vampire. Rutina reveals whether Tara survives this time.

VIDEO: Kristin Bauer van Straten Reveals Season 3 Secrets

From a minor character to stealing the show, vampire Pam has become more than just a fan favorite, she's become essential in the True Blood saga. At Comic-Con 2010, Kristin Bauer van Straten dishes season 3 secrets to Access Hollywood's Laura Saltman. Like the Sookie Stackhouse novels, in the show Pam is a character that starts as a minor but quickly who moves out of Eric's shadow to become a fully developed character. Kristin reveals that her character's history and  loyalty for her maker Eric will be an essential story arch in the 3rd season. However, will this loyalty be tested? Pam will be tortured for Eric's discrepancies. Fans are uneasy and worried about whether or not Pam will survive the season. Kristin dishes on her character's survival and why Pam has become part of the core story of the show.

VIDEO: Anna Paquin Talks About Sookie's New Powers

Microwave Fingers will be the best super power of 2010! In a video interview with Access Hollywood's Laura Saltman, True Blood's Anna Paquin dishes about her character, waitress and telepath, Sookie Stackhouse. Season 2 gave us a taste of Sookie's power when she attacked Maryann; it seems her power wasn't a one time fluke as she has used it again in Season 3 against werewolf Coot. There have been talks that in season 3, fans will find out what Sookie is; Anna gives us her take on Sookie's magic fingers! The award winning actress also discusses the excitement over True Blood's 2010 Emmy nomination for Best Drama as well as spending her birthday with True Blood fans at Comic-Con 2010.

VIDEO: Spoilers for the Rest of True Blood Season 3

HBO has posted a new video with more spoilers about the rest of the season of True Blood. In it, Bill is heard narrating in such a way that it sounds like he's talking to someone as images flash by that show more than one character doing bad things. Some of the things shown appear to be Alan Ball's take on certain scenes from the books, while others just whet the appetite and make waiting for Sunday even harder! Watch the video and let us know in the comments what you think because this video is going to lead to some very interesting comments! (By the way, be sure to listen to the final thing said in the video.) Waiting sucks!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Crystal Clear Discussion with Lindsey Pulsipher: A Exclusive

One of the first recurring roles that Lindsey Pulsipher played was as Heather on the show, "Touched by an Angel" and now she's playing Crystal, a character that's been touched by anything and everything but an Angel. We're fascinated by the unlikely concept of someone able to tame Jason Stackhouse, but with Lindsey lending her wistful, angelic face to the role of Crystal Norris , she may just manage to capture Jason's heart. She sure caught and held our attention! Lindsey was great to talk to, very fun and energetic and we at really appreciate her taking the time for us! Oh.. and you'll just love her new little friend, Mars. What a cutie and who can resist that face! You mentioned in previous Interviews that you were inspired by your mother to get into acting? Can you elaborate on that? What was your very first performance? Lindsey: Well my first experience in acting was at a small community theater in Salt Lake City, Utah, called Hale Center Theater. It was such an exciting time for me as a kid. I loved the creativity of acting, and the freedom to be whomever I wanted. I was definitely encouraged by my mom to pursue any artistic dreams I had. Was your mother an actor as well or was she just supportive of your becoming one? Lindsey: My mother acted in plays, but she decided to have six kids instead of pursuing a career in acting. One of my first inspirations was seeing my mom performing "You Can't Take it with You." I remember seeing her all dressed up in her stage makeup, and thought "Wow! I don't even know that woman; she looks so different from my mom." It just opened up this door, this creative door, for me. I really got inspired by her performance. So your first performance was? Lindsey: My first professional television performance was on "Touched by an Angel." They actually filmed the show in Utah so local actors were very fortunate to get some television experience before deciding they wanted to pursue LA or New York or Chicago. We had that opportunity, and we were all very grateful for it. And did you go on to study acting? Lindsey: I did. I studied and took classes in Utah. And later I moved to Los Angeles where I've been doing mostly private coaching and scene study classes out here. You also starred in "The Beast" along with Patrick Swayze. Can you give us a little more insight to your character? A little more detail about the show? Lindsey: Rose, my character on "The Beast" was the complete opposite of Crystal. Rose was extremely refined, strong woman who knew what she wanted out of life, with her head on straight. Crystal, is completely opposite of that. It was really fun to play such different characters in the same year. And Patrick Swayze was an amazing person to work with. He will always be remembered by me as an inspiration, knowing what he was going through every day, coming to the set and working so hard was very inspiring. Oh yes, how amazing that he managed to do so well under the circumstances. And referring to Crystal, congratulations on getting the role of Crystal Norris on "True Blood." Could you share with us how you got the role? How did your audition go? How did you know about the role? Lindsey: I have an agent and manager here in Los Angeles that are really great on getting me in on really good projects. When this came up I have to say I was just really, really excited. I had two auditions, both of them were with Alan Ball, and the second one Ryan Kwanten read with me. A few hours later I got a call from my manager telling me I had booked it. I don't know if I've been happier about booking a role. How did you prepare for the role? Did you read any of the books in creating the character? Lindsey: I think I wanted to see Crystal more through the eyes of the True Blood writers first, before i read the books. Once I got a sense of where they were going with her I thought, "Okay, I'm ready to read Charlene Harris's character and take it from both sides". It's been an incredible journey and the character is, oh, she is just so fun to play. She has so many layers going on and just amazingly written. Crystal plays a huge role in the story line of Jason Stackhouse. How would you describe her and her interactions with Jason? Lindsey: Crystal is revealed slowly in the third season. Jason sees her during a drug bust at Hot Shot which is where she lives. He's out there and he catches a glimpse of her running through the trees and they have this special, electric moment where they first see each other and then she takes off running. Later she and Jason run into each other again in Bon Temps and they have this really funny exchange, a very classic Jason moment. And their relationship develops from there. Ryan does such a good job of playing Jason. This season is really about their relationship and how it grows. As we all know, Jason loves the ladies, and he has had quite a few of them. I think Crystal is somebody different and special for him and they have a really magical relationship that develops, and takes shape this season. Being the new girl on the set, what are your experiences on the show? Is it an easy crew to fit in with? Lindsey: Actually a couple of the new actors and I were talking about that today. It's amazing how you can tell walking onto the "True Blood" set that everybody there absolutely loves their job. Everyone is very close and friendly with each other, there are no egos on set. It's just a warm, familial environment. It's such a pleasant surprise because sometimes you walk on set and you're the new girl and it's not always that way, so to walk in and have everybody be so welcoming and truly happy to have you has been a great experience. Have you acted with any of the other cast besides Jason? Lindsey: Crystal does meet up with some of the other people in Bon Temps through out the season. She creates some chaos in the town, but for the most part, it's been with Ryan. So far, what's been the most rewarding and the most challenging aspect of working on "True Blood?" Lindsey: Crystal has been challenging to play because she's a complex character. If you read the books, you know that she has a lot going on and that she's a strong spirit. In the show she also has a lot that she's dealing with. She comes from a very sheltered, back woods home, where they cook meth. She's been home educated and hasn't really been out in the real world too much and doesn't have a lot of real-life experience. She's had to grow up fast living the way that she does out in Hot Shot. So it's been a challenge to stay true to all of the struggles that she is going through and play them all truthfully. A challenge is very good for me. I tend to thrive when I'm challenged so it's really rewarding in that way too. You know "True Blood" is such a phenomenal success. Are you prepared for the "True Blood" fans? Lindsey: When people ask me this, I don't know what to say because it just seems a little surreal. It hasn't really affected me yet. I haven't seen any of the fan reaction to Crystal yet, since she's just being introduced. I think it's always going to be exciting when you have such a huge fan base; it makes it more magical. I don't know how to address it yet, but I'll cross that bridge when i get to it! Are there any questions you would like to ask the fans? Lindsey: My friend Matt has this question he likes to ask, and I think it's a question that would fit in well with the True Blood fans. "If you had to be bitten by a Vampire, a Werewolf, or a Zombie, which would you choose and why?" My answer to the question was, "A Zombie, since they travel in groups, I would never have to be alone. " Has "True Blood" reshaped how you think of good and evil? Lindsey: I think "True Blood" is constantly bending the rules of "good and evil" who can be trusted, and who can't. Who's the enemy, and who's the hero? I think that's one of the most fascinating aspects of the show. If Crystal died, what would you like on her head stone? Linsday: ::laughs:: That's a great question. I guess something along the lines of "God knows she tried." During "True Blood's" hiatus, do you have anything else coming up? Lindsey: I'm in the works for a couple of different things. We have a nice shooting schedule on "True Blood." Six months on and six months off. But I love staying busy, so work is always a good thing. Do you have any charities or causes that are important to you? Lindsey: Yes, absolutely. I support this wonderful organization called Stand up to Cancer. Patrick Swazye was actually really involved with them before he passed. I also lost my father to cancer, which was an extraordinarily hard thing to deal with. I fully support furthering the research, and finding a cure for cancer. They are a big one that I support. Another one I fully support is a dog rescue based out of Los Angeles called The Mutt Movement. I actually just rescued a little dog from them a few months ago and she's changed my life. Awww. What's her name? Lindsey: Her name is Mars … like the planet. And what type of dog is she? Lindsey: She is a hairless Chihuahua mix. She's really cute, she's bald underneath with a little peach fuzz and she has a coat that goes from her head to her tail but it's only on top, like she has a mohawk! Do you Twitter and would you like your fans to know what your Twitter name is? Lindsey: You know, I actually don't Twitter and I don't have a Facebook. Although we did discover that there's a couple Facebook pages dedicated to Lindsay Pulsipher, and Crystal Norris that I didn't create. Do you ever read about yourself on the fan sites about "True Blood" or "The Beast?" Lindsey: You know, I generally try and stay away from that stuff. It hasn't happened very often, but of course it's going happen – you read something negative about yourself that might or might not be true and it starts to affect you. So I try not to read anything that's going to conjure up comments. I do try and research and go on the websites or the magazines that I'm going to do interviews with and get an idea of what the vibe is and what it's all about. I looked at your site before I talked to you. Oh, to make sure we weren't serial killers or something? ::laughs:: Lindsey: ::laughs:: Oh no, not even that, but just to see what your style was and gage it and yeah, I do that stuff but I try not to read about myself. I have a couple of films that I recently completed. One is called "The Oregonian" Directed by Calvin Lee Reeder. It's a sort of esoteric, art--horror film. It's the journey of a young woman who gets into a car accident and doesn't really know if she's alive or dead. It's a really, really cool, out-there film. It will be doing the festival circuit later this year. The other one is called "Do not Disturb." I shot it with Eric Balfour. Directed by Petro Papahadjopoulos. It's a series of short film vignettes that they have edited together into a feature and all of the short films have a similar thread that binds them together. It will also be out later this year. Are you in just one of the short films? Lindsey: Yes, It's called "Rocket Man" and it's kind of this throwback to the 60's sci-fi films. Just going back to Crystal, your character. How did you develop her personality? Did Alan Ball state how he wanted her presented or did you develop her character or was it a collaboration? Lindsey: Actually a little of both. The writers do such an amazing job of creating these characters that they make your job easy because they're so well written and so easy to work with. There's definitely things that I did on my own, like the physicality Crystal would have. Those things I came up with on my own. For the most part she was just written so well in such a specific way that I stay true to that and I think the final product is going to be pretty cool. How many episodes will we be seeing Crystal in? Lindsey: Crystal will be seen in nine episodes this season. So she is a major player! Lindsey: Like I said, she is introduced slowly which is fun. She is revealed mysteriously and by mid season she starts to heat up. Was it planned all along that she would be in a lot of episodes? Lindsay: I think there were varying numbers. I think when I first auditioned it was for six episodes. And I ended up being in nine. So they must have liked how the character is going … Lindsey: Yeah, I hope so! Having had a chance to be introduced to Crystal in "True Blood" now, we here at can certainly understand why HBO committed to more Crystal! She's fun, mysterious, beautiful and has Jason going six ways from Sunday! The onscreen chemistry really works well and we're excited to see where the relationship goes in the future. It seems to us that Jason has always loved women without liking them. With Crystal, there's a lot to like.. although who knows what lurks behind that bright surface! Finding out is half the fun! Thanks again to Lindsay and HBO for a the opportunity to interview the woman within Crystal Norris. (Photo Credit: First Photo: JSquared Photography, Mars: Lindsey Pulsipher, All Others: John P. Johnson/ HBO )

Anna Paquin's Thoughts on the True Blood Script

Anna Paquin has quite a resume as an accomplished actress - complete with her own Academy Award. In a terrific interview in July's Venice Magazine, Anna and reporter Andrew Fish discussed many of her roles, both prior to and during her current role on HBO's hit series, True Blood. But focusing on her portrayal of Sookie Stackhouse, the telepathic waitress who gets involved in many ways with vampires and werewolves, I enjoyed Anna's response when asked what she originally thought of the True Blood script. She said no way were they going to cast this "pale, dark, brooding girl" as a Southern perky blonde! Although she knew hair color works wonders, not everyone can use their imagination. Fortunately for her, and us, creator Alan Ball could. Loving the script and the world that author Charlaine Harris created with her Southern Vampire Series of books, on which True Blood is based, Anna said it was "funny and smart and twisted" - and that's exactly what she loves in all forms of entertainment. Talk about making your wish come true, Anna said that about 6 months before she received the script, she'd been telling people she'd like to do a show on "HBO or Showtime or one of the good cable" networks because she believes the quality of their shows is very high. The idea of knowing where she'd be located for several months of the year as well as being able to develop friendships with co-workers had much appeal to her. Putting positive vibes out into the universe does work. It turned out so much better than she'd imagined.
"I can't think of a group of people that I would rather spend the next five years of my life with. It's a wonderful ensemble in the truest sense, where everyone is equally important and necessary and it doesn't work without the whole group. Every single part is filled with such interesting, wonderfully talented, great people. It's a dream. Everyone's so into it and we all feel so lucky to be there."
Of Alan Ball, she says he's one of the funniest people she's met and is "like everyone's favorite uncle" - interesting, smart, funny, nice and a cool guy. Everyone wants to sit and chat with him and listen to his stories.
And let's not forget that extra bonus of falling in love with the leading man. "You know, life is pretty great. I'm pretty damn lucky, and I know it. I'm aware that this is not, like, a normal amount of good shit at one time. [laughs] It's quite a special little setup. And the people and the friendships; it's one of those things that may or may not ever come together in that way ever again — and if it never does, I feel incredibly blessed that I got this. All the stars kind of aligned. I know what a good thing I've got."
Speaking of Sookie, Anna said she doesn't think she's stupid but actually very brave. She knows she's going to get into trouble, but she doesn't care. She does it because she'll stick her neck out for things she believes in. "She jumps right on it" and doesn't mind getting her hands dirty. And ends up getting into trouble...a lot! "It wouldn't be as fun if she didn't", Anna laughed. True Blood watchers can see a variety of symbolism pertaining to our society, politics, discrimination. Anna said while people can see all that in the show, True Blood is not "a messagey show". It's "just really fun to watch. And weird and crazy and wildly outrageous." One example she gave was regarding Godric (Allan Hyde). While so many people were sad to see him meet the sun because he thought his vision of peace between humans and vampires could not be met, Anna has a different perspective. "The last hope for peace committed suicide because there was no hope for peace." Ironic. I see her point! So, the interviewer asks, is it possible for there to be peace between humans and vampires?
"Certainly not on our show — otherwise we'd all be going home! [laughs] And they lived happily ever after. Eric opened a really nice school for young vampires, where he lovingly talked them through the early stages of vampirism and how not to kill people. And Pam covered makeup tips for hiding the blood. It's just never gonna happen, is it? Although it would be funny! It would be funny for one episode and then it would be like, 'Just kidding, that was a dream'."
Pam giving makeup tips? Now that would be funny! Source: (Photo credit - Andrew MacPherson via venice managzine)

Ask Dr. L - Fangtastic Fun!

For a small fortune (and the promise of a steady supply of medicinal quality V) has gotten Dr. L to agree to answer your supernatural medical questions. Ask Dr. L is written by Dr. L (any resemblance to any characters living, dead or undead is purely coincidental), also known as Doctor to the Supernaturals, and was founded by her mother, Philine Paullips. It is the most popular and widely syndicated supernatural medical advice column in this world — or any other. Known for its uncommon nonsense and immortal, or just darn old, perspective. July 28th, 2010
Hi Dr. L,

So now that True Blood is featuring werewolves...can you give us some basic werewolf info?  Are they immortal too?  Do they have any weaknesses?  Is it an inherited thing like the shifters?  Its just that I've had my eye on a vampire for a while, but me all excited.

Supe Lover Sasha

Dear Sasha,

I have to say, I like your change of taste. I am very good friends with Alcide and his family and pack, and I happen to think Big A is HOT! Of course, as his doctor of record, I cannot do anything about that...sigh...

As to your question, yes, the werewolf anomaly is inherent. It can- and  does- vary within families. I have heard some pretty funny stories about young weres taking their younger siblings trick or treating on a full moon, and having some bully try to take the younger kids candy, and the were coming out and scaring the bejesus out of the bully! That really cracks me up!

As for their being immortal, I don't think there is a scientific way to tell if that's true or not, as they usually tend to let their werewolfishness come out at the wrong time at one time or another, and they get themselves offed. But they do seem they hold up pretty well, till they get popped.

Here's to the weres!

Hello Dr. Ludwig,

I know all of the reasons why humans shouldn't be involved romantically with vampires.  But despite all my stern warnings, my daughter just can't help but be infatuated with them.  It's not even a specific vampire, it's just vampires in general, even though she does think that one of them stands out amongst the rest.  Anyway, do you have any resources that I can use to sway her?  You know in Drivers Ed classes, they show pictures of auto accidents and the physical injury done to victims of drunk driving to help "shock" them?  Do you have anything like that, except for vampires?

Mrs. Avery (Madison's Mother)

Dear Mother,

I take it Madison is your only, or at least your first child. The reason I reach such a conclusion is that if you had older children, you'd already know the only sure fire way to get an offspring not to do something, is to make them think you want them to do it. If they think that you think it is positive, even "cool", they will do the exact opposite.
So here's what I suggest: Start dressing and acting slutty, like all those fangbangers seem to prefer. Stay up all night, and sleep all day. It would be fabulous if you could get your husband to dress up like one of those vile creatures, fangs and all, and to smear some fake blood on your neck and various places. Put up posters of Eric, Bill, etc on your bedroom wall, and if Madison walks in, look at them raptly, and make little moaning noises. You get the drift.

Let me know how this goes. I'll bet Madison drops the whole vampire love idea and goes back to Sunday School.<br>

Good Luck!

Good evening Dr. L,

I am a recently made vampire and all I've been hearing is that I should "hate werewolves."  It probably is something akin to how race relations were earlier in America's history.  Anyway, other than the whole "we don't want those dirty animals amongst us"  pride there a reason why we just don't turn them?  Can they even be turned?

Gothic Geraldine
Dear G. G.,

I first must address your statement about America's earlier history having prejudiced race relations. When did that change, and where was I?

But, to the best of my knowledge, vampires cannot turn werewolves. There is something in the werewolf DNA that prevents this, and you are a stupid, blood sucking fiend, and would never understand the explanation if I deigned to take the time to give such an explanation, which I will not.

So, put your fangs back in, sister. I know many of those were males are hot, but they won't do you any good.

Yo Dr. L,

So I'm confused....There are vampire kings and vampire queens who seem to have the power.  But there there is this Magister fellow, who seems to scare the heck out of the vampires, or at the very least has power over them.  We've met two monarchs (Sophie Ann and Russell Edington) but only one Magister.  Where in the vampire chain o' command does the Magister fit?  Is he like the vampire Judicious Branch or something?


Well, beam me up, Scotty! (sorry, I couldn't resist!),

As you should know, I do try to stay far, far away from the doings of the vampire world. I only tolerate them to have access to their blood, which is one of the most powerful healing agents on Earth. If it were not for that, I would be delighted to see each and every one of these creatures of the night rounded up and taken to a hot, light, bright tropical island where they'd meet the sun. Wow, what a bonfire that would make!

But, I do believe there is only one Magister. He is one powerful fiend, and is likely the vampire Judicial Branch (don't they send people to school anymore???). He scares me. And if you know your True Blood history, you know I am not scared of even the big, bad sheriff vampire of my district, so this is really saying something.

Be afraid- be very afraid...

<br>Be sure to Submit your questions in the Comments Section below and if you're unlucky enough Dr. L may choose to answer your question (and send you a bill.. how does she find us? Does she use mail Owls?)!

To view past Dr. L words of wisdom just do a search on Dr. L in the box in the upper left of the page. Disclaimer: These answers are provided for entertainment purposes only and should not be followed by ordinary humans. This column is a parody of the Gothic fantasy series, True Blood, and as such, is presented here for your amusement. Ask Dr. L and the various writers that contribute to it, have no relationship/affiliation to HBO, True Blood, or any of the cast or crew of said nor any relation to Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse novels. Header Credit: K. S. Rose

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

True Blood 3.06 "I Got a Right to Sing the Blues" Review

When you see the words "Written by Alan Ball" in the credits, it's an immediate indication that the episode of True Blood you are about to watch will be bloody, sexy, scary, emotional--everything we love about the show. There are times you may cringe and want to look away (Tara…biting…gross), but it's just too captivating NOT to watch. So, to begin with, Russell drags Sookie and Bill back to his mansion, delighted by his discovery of her shocking gift. Bill's charade is up. He couldn't shield her from Russell's greedy, power-hungry clutches, so he makes a futile attempt to escape, staking his guard and then leaping onto the King's shoulders to drive the stake down into his chest. With a mere shrug, Russell launches Bill up to crash into the ceiling (much to Talbot's great dismay). Bill can only hope that Eric will help save Sookie, but Eric is too close to the vengeance he has sought for 1,000 years to let anything stand in his way. Russell orders Bill to be taken to the slave quarters, where Lorena is commanded to kill him. Eric escorts Sookie to the study to wait for the King. She pleads with him, yells at him--anything to try to understand why he's acting like Russell's lap dog and allowing Bill to be carried off to his death. "Please don't take this the wrong way, but shut up." When she doesn't, he silences her with his hand over her mouth, "Thank you." She continues her questions while he paces, trying to think about how to handle the problems he's facing. Sookie recalls what he said to her back in Bon Temps on her porch (another amusing impression from Anna Paquin), but Eric blows up at her: "You mean nothing to me! Nothing!" Russell enters the room and Eric puts on a huge, fake smile for him before leaving them alone to talk. Meanwhile, at Merlotte's, Arlene and Jessica have to deal with a very rude customer, even though they're closed and everyone is gone for the night. Arlene accidentally cuts herself, and the scent of blood makes Jessica's fangs pop out because she's so hungry. Jessica (who now knows that Arlene is pregnant) feels guilty that she is having such a bad night. She goes over to glamour the woman: "You're not hungry anymore. Now I want you to take all the money you have and leave it on the table. Then head to the ladies'. Alright?" It might seem weird to be proud of Jessica for handling the situation like a grown-up (vampire), but she satisfies her hunger, on a woman who deserves it, doesn't kill her, properly glamours her into forgetting, while managing to do something nice for Arlene! Lafayette and Jesus continued the date they began last week, talking about their lives. Lafayette explains how he has tried to leave Bon Temps but keeps coming back. Jesus moved around a lot growing up. He doesn't know who his father was because his mom was raped. When he sees that this beautiful guy has had a hard life, too, Lafayette finds himself relating to Jesus more than he expected, and they share a steamy kiss in the car. Their attraction is undeniable, but a couple of barriers stood in the way of them getting together. For one thing, Lafayette is slow to trust--he's used the phrase "Satan in a Sunday hat" on more than one occasion (even though, as Jesus pointed out, his name is the polar opposite). His trust issues are understandable--I have to imagine that someone who has left Bon Temps many times in his life but always returned found that the difficulties and persecution he faced in the outside world were harder to deal with than what he suffers from the country folks back home--that expression "the devil you know" comes to mind. But he seemed ready and willing to test the water with Jesus, until those drug dealers from Hot Shot showed up at his house and started smashing up his car outside. He and Jesus beat them off, but Lafayette didn't want to stop pounding one of them in the face. Jesus had to hold him back, and he was very disappointed to learn that Lafayette dealt drugs and V, bringing their night to an early end. Jason and Crystal are kissing by the lake, whispering sweet nothings. When she rolls over on top of him, he laughs, "Don't hurt me! Or do, I don't care." She jumps to the conclusion that he thinks she's into perverted stuff and demands to know what he meant. "I meant, um…don't break my heart." (Candidate for Best Jason Moment Ever) Crystal softens up and starts crying that what they're doing is wrong. She hears something in the woods, though, and runs off saying it's too dangerous for them to be together. Between Jason's comment about how warm she is and the way she sniffed the air, it seems pretty evident that Crystal is a shifter of some sort. In Russell's conversation with Sookie, they take turns asking each other questions. Sookie begs him to stop Lorena from killing Bill, but Russell wonders why she still wants him. He shows her the dossier Bill kept on her family, but she barely even has time to process it. When it becomes clear that Sookie doesn't understand her powers or her value to vampires like himself and the Queen, he asks condescendingly, "Oh, sweetheart, you really don't know anything at all, do you?" The scenes in which Lorena tortures Bill, while tough to watch, are Mariana Klaveno's best work on the series. She deals with her suffering (over her inability to make Bill love her, and the fact that she will lose him forever when he's dead) in the sadistic way that she cuts him with silver and inflicts as much pain on him as possible. Not to mention cutting herself and mixing her blood in his cuts so that she will be inside him in the end. Bill looks up at her with pity in his eyes, "I wish I had known you before you were Made, before you turned hard. I would liked to have seen you smile with light in your eyes, instead of darkness. That would've been something." What has gotten into Tara?! She stops letting herself being a victim and takes charge of the situation with Franklin in an intense way. She convinces him that she truly wants to be with him so that he'll untie her. Then she says she wants to drink his blood and get high on it while making love to him as her last human act before "giving myself to you, then Death." "Kinky," he says, but he's totally into it. She steels herself up and then rips open his neck. Afterwards, Tara lies in Franklin's arms, with blood all over her white gown. She sends a mental message to Sookie, who is locked in another guest room, to expect her when the sun comes up: Be ready. We're gonna need all the luck in the world, but I'm gonna get us out of here. I am not giving up with out a fight. Talbot and Eric are flirting and playing cards when the King comes in and asks Eric to accompany him on an errand. That seems to be the last straw with Talbot: "You never take me anywhere! You prefer to be in the company of sycophants. Deep down, my darling, you're a very wicked character." He walks off muttering to himself in Greek. Eric turns on the charm with Russell as well when they take a ride over to visit Sophie-Anne. Eric admits to killing the werewolf that attacked him at Sookie's house, not out of love for her but to protect himself and because he despises those creatures. Russell gives him a glimpse into his ultimate dream: "If all the supernaturals would stop squabbling among themselves and unite, we could conquer humans in a matter of days." He believes that mankind is heading "towards oblivion," destroying themselves and the planet. Vampires are the master race, and everything he has done and planned has been to making that a reality on earth. Russell finds the Queen on the ground by her pool, scratching lottery tickets and rejoicing over winning $100. He presents her with a rose and gets down on one knee. She has rejected his proposal over and over again, but now he knows that she has been selling V because she owes money. He promises to settle her debts, and when she still doesn't accept, Eric rushes in and pins her to the ground. Her fangs pop out threateningly, but he just laughs: "I'm older and stronger than you. I've only submitted to you in the past because of respect. But you framed me, so I renounce any and all allegiance to you. I am his now. I will rip your head off and throw it in the pool, and I will have fun doing it." Sophie-Anne fumes in anger, but Russell knows that he has won. Now he will help Eric with the Magister. No Pam for the past two weeks now, as she is being held prisoner at Fangtasia. In show time, it's only been two days, but I still can't help missing Kristin Bauer van Straten's great presence and Pam's sarcastic wit. Next we see Lorena and Bill, she is licking his blood off a knife as bloody tears pour down her face, waiting for him to die. "What will you do then?" he asks. "Find another man that you deem honorable, so that you can turn him into a violent, hateful thing like yourself, destroying whatever it was that you loved about him to begin with." She wants him to admit that he enjoyed all the time they spent together in the beginning, killing and making love. We get a revealing moment about her when Bill brings up her Maker and the horrible things Lorena did for him: "He made you his mirror, just as you've tried to make me yours. He is the reason that a girl who once marveled in the beauty of all life, now delights in bringing pain and horror to every moment." For a moment, it seems as though Lorena will be too upset to actually go through with killing him, but when Debbie and Coot stumble in for a taste of Bill's blood, she leaves them to finish him off. Melinda comes to Sam's to speak with Tommy. She tells him that he has to go back out on "the circuit" because she's too old and hurt now. He can't escape their life just because Sam seems willing to help him in the short-term. She convinces Tommy that she and Joe Lee are all he has, that Sam isn't really family, and he leaves with her. Sam has no idea where he went, until Arlene mentions the Mickens loading a pit bull into the back of their van. Then he approaches Andy to start asking questions about local dog fighting. Jason gets dressed up in his letterman jacket from high school football (awww, Crystal makes him feel like a schoolboy) and takes flowers to her house in Hot Shot. She pretends not to know him because her fiance (the same idiot Lafayette beat up the night before) answers the door. She calls him a dumbass and kicks him out, and Jason's temporary happiness (the first he's had since what happened with Eggs) is over too soon. In the morning, Tara crawls out of bed, grabs a mace from the wall, and smashes Franklin's head in. (She is a fearsome thing to behold, covered in blood!) She changes clothes and pretends to be bringing food to Sookie so that the werewolf guard will let her in: "If she ain't eating almonds, Talbot ain't gonna be happy, and if Talbot ain't happy, Russell ain't happy, and if Russell ain't happy, you dog boys ain't gonna be getting any vampire blood. Now open up the damn door!" Together the two girls knock him out and make a run for it. Tara goes to look for a car, while Sookie insists on finding Bill in case he's still alive. Tara thinks she's an idiot because of all the things Bill has done, but Sookie refuses to leave without him. Tara is running across the yard when a white wolf chases her down, but when he shifts, it's Alcide (naked!) who has come to help. Sookie is over at the slave quarters waiting for a high Debbie and Coot to leave. When she gets inside, Bill is drained to the very edge of death. Crying, she shakes him, and then he whispers her name. "I'm gonna get you out of here. I'm gonna make you well if it's the last thing I do! Because I love you, Bill Compton, I'm not about to let you go." Lorena interrupts, no longer sad but fiery mad, saying this is all Sookie's fault and pinning her to wall and biting into her. The end! "I Got a Right to Sing the Blues" was shocking, to be sure, but it has also set up the action for what's going to happen in the second half of the season. What did everybody else think about this episode, and what were your favorite quotes? (Photo credit: HBO Inc.)

VIDEO: Joe Manganiello at Comic-Con 2010

True Blood's Joe Manganiello spoke with Zap2it it during Comic-con 2010 where he discussed his excitement being on the cast True Blood, working with real wolves and his role as werewolf Alcide Hereaux.  Enjoy! SOURCE: Zap2it