Wednesday, January 28, 2009

True Blood - Escape Television With a Message

truebloodlogo3Anna Paquin's win this week at the Golden Globe for Best Actress in a TV Drama was a crowning accomplishment not only for her but for bringing attention to "True Blood" to the media. A show with so many varying layers of metaphors that it was a surprise to me that it didn't win for Best TV Drama. However Anna Paquin's performance was acknowledged for her capacity to relay in so many ways the complexities that exist in human relationships. One of the most compelling aspect of this show is its ability to dwell into the intrinsic nature of the human need to feel a sense of belonging. Anna Paquin's character Sookie Stackhouse lives a life of being the outsider whether it is self-imposed or forced upon by others in her town who refuse to accept her for who she is. Her natural abilities to read other people's mind has been a prison for her throughout her life barring her from having a normal existence. Although she had almost come to terms with living a life of keeping her distance from people and not developing close relationships with anyone does not mean that she doesn't want to have them. Although she wishes to be normal and feel that she belongs, others come along and push her aside to remind her how different she is and perhaps unwelcome. The constant need to keep your guard up to avoid getting hurt creates an individual incapable of opening up which we can see in both Sookie and Bill's existence. This leads us to vampire Bill Compton who walks into the bar one day and changes Sookie's life forever. Bill is a creature of the night, forever forced to live out his "undead" life on the outskirt of society remaining distant to whom he comes into contact with. Until that night when he meets Sookie and finds another who too had "given up" in every living a normal life. Their mutual "differences" within themselves became the string that linked them to each other and with that found with acceptance with one another and the joy of feeling that one feels wanted, needed and belongs. The sense of belonging is one of the most nature and basic instincts in humans. Without it a person develops a wall around themselves and causes varying negative attributes. So here we have Sookie craving to belong and a vampire seeking acceptance for who he is. Both individuals who seemed disillusioned with their existence and the world around then and now allowing themselves to open up to possibilities. Sookie and Bill's encounter with each and discovery of a mutual connection emphasises to all of us not to give up hope when life seems to have closed the door on us from everyone. The despair and the loneliness that ends up consuming us is not etched on stone never to be eradicated but a temporary barrier wall that needs to be taken down. In today's society many feel disenfranchised by the world and live their lives as island on their own, seeking refuge in their isolation to avoid disappointment and hurt. However, the show explores through its metaphors that regardless of how hopeless and separated we may feel from others that the natural instinct to feel a sense of belonging is strong. To realize that by allowing yourself to open up a little of one's self imposed prison that possibilities may be just around the corner waiting for you to encounter. Therefore my admiration for the actors and for the show is its ability to touch on core human emotions in such subtle and entertaining ways without feeling someone is preaching to you. Sometimes blatant in-your-face tactics have the opposite reaction, however in this case, I believe that although it is presented in a fun, escape form of television it drives home a message to the audience that the human need for acceptance and a sense of belonging is not an impossibility even for people who seem "lost" to the world. Therefore Anna Paquin's win was an acknowledgment of her superb work but at the same time the judges missed out on recognizing the show and Stephen Moyer's performance as a masterpiece of entertainment. I truly hope that at this year that "True Blood" will receive an Emmy and be recognized for its contribution to the developed of thought provoking and entertaining television. We can only wait and see. To view my profile click here. You can contact the editor at ollieemail (Photo credit: HBO Inc.)

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