Vampires seem to be, to borrow a phrase from the
fashionistas, the new black right now. Unsurprising, really. They are hot, they don't age, don't need botox, and, judging from the raunchy
HBO True Blood's Bill Compton, Eric Northman and
Pam, they look good in anything that's black and leather. The word
vampire has almost become synonymous with Bram Stoker's
Dracula, one of the best-selling books of all time. Stoker's Dracula is said to owe something to Vlad III of Wallachia who lived in the 15
th century and had a habit of impaling his victims on stakes. But Stoker's conception of the
vampire has shape-shifted and fragmented throughout the world in ways he would barely comprehend, and probably not even recognize. Indeed, the
vampire may seem to be a creature living on the margins of society, but we've always had a contradictory relationship with the
vampire. Central to the stories humans tell each other, these creatures exist in folklore that stretch back through to ancient times. Almost every culture appears to have some sort of legend about
vampires or hungry ghosts who feed on the energy of the living, in one way or another. Yet, very few of them bear any resemblance to Bela Lugosi descending the staircase, holding a flickering candle that improbably lights the cavernous great hall of his castle for the legendary cinematographer Karl Freund. And while some of these other folklores around the world are similar to the traditional Central European myths that have been incorporated into Gothic literature and cinematic lore, there are quite a few which depart from the traditional
vampire lore. The earliest account of these creatures of the night derives from Mesopotamia.
Lamatsu was a serpent demon who reportedly stole children from their homes and devoured them. Another incarnation of
Lamatsu appears later, in the guise of Lilith. In early Hebraic writings, Lilith took the form of a winged demon with the body of a woman with owl-like talons for feet. She was reported to be the first wife of Adam (before Eve was created). Lilith was formed of the same earth from which Adam was created, therefore, she considered herself his equal. That being the case, Lilith refused to be submissive. She was subsequently banished to the demon realm. Lilith's offspring were damned to become demons with Lilith taking the title of "Mother of Demons." In China, a
vampire is created when a recently deceased corpse is possessed by a demon, usually after suicide or a violent death without a proper burial. Unlike the
vampires in the West, the
Chiang Shih (also known as
Jiang Shi) is said to be covered with white or green hair over its entire body. It is also said to have long claws, teeth and glowing red eyes. I think it's safe to say that it is hardly an attractive specimen when compared to the highly decorative
vampires of
True Blood. Breathing the
Chiang Shih's breath can be lethal but apparently, it can be repelled by garlic, salt and barriers of rice, thunder or a bullet. In the Philippines, we have the
Aswang. Apparently, the
Aswang appears as a beautiful woman but at night, it is compelled to seek victims. It attacks by using a long tubular tongue to drink their blood. After feeding, it appears pregnant. One of the most fearsome creatures of Malay folklore is the
Pontianak, a
vampire like entity, she (the
Pontianak is always female) is characterized by ear-piercing shrieks, long flowing hair and a penchant for the blood of children. In Japan, we have the
Gaki. Similar to the
vampires in the West, it drinks the blood of corpses and appears pale-skinned, cold with hollow features. The can also shape-shift, transforming into animals or impersonating living people. Some of the oldest can stalk their prey invisibly. In Scotland, we have the
BaoBahan Sith that usually disguises itself as a beautiful maiden who preys on young men, lured the victims to their deaths through song and dance. In folklore, it is said that this
vampire always dresses in green to hide their cloven feet.

Dearg-Due is a dreaded creature of Ireland whose name means blood sucker. An ancient
vampire who dates back to Celtic times, it is still feared. The only way to curb its
vampiric activities is to pile stones on the grave of any who might be suspected of housing such a beast. On the other hand, the Upier, a Polish
vampire, is said to sleep in blood, rise at Midday and go to sleep at Midnight. It is also said to have a barbed tongue with which it consumes large amounts of blood. The Asanbosam, West African
vampires, are unlike their European cousins, preferring to live in trees rather than coffins. They take human form but instead of feet, they have iron teeth and hooks. Let's face it: unfortunately, the
vampires of folklore pale in comparison when compared to
True Blood's Vampire Bill, with his Southern charm or even the Viking
Eric Northman, who is
really interesting. In
Eric Northman, we have a powerful, dangerous, yet captivating 1000-year-old, leather-wearing, club owning
vampire. Compare to these other loathsome creatures of folklore, what's not to like about these particular
vampire? Source:
Skyscanner Photo credits: HBO Inc
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