Friday, March 20, 2009

Lizzy Caplan and Her Time on True Blood

hbo-lizzy-caplanRecently Lizzy Caplan sat down with Jarett Wieselman from PopWrap and discussed with him her time on True Blood and her role in the new TV comedy "Party Down" where she find herself once again playing the role of a waitress.  It seems that particular role keeps coming back to Lizzy as she explains that before landing roles in movies and on television that she did in fact work as a waitress.  Well actually as she would put it she "was the bus boy. It was a small, intimate restaurant though, so I got to wait tables occasionally." Before landing the role of Amy Burley on Alan Ball's hit HBO TV series True Blood, Lizzy had the opportunity to star in a indie production which she turned down to take the role on True Blood.
"I figured it was a day job that shot near my home -- and it ended up being such an amazing experience."
SPOILER AHEAD FOR THOSE WHO ARE JUST WATCHING SEASON 1.  DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER! Did she know what was going to happen to her character ahead of time before she took the role?
"Yeah, I went in knowing she would be killed, but by the time we actually got to that part, I was super bummed about it."
When Lizzy Caplan was asked how was it working with Ryan Kwanten and all the nude scenes that they had to do together Lizzy stated that Ryan is a really down to earth nice guy which you wouldn't expect from a guy with a body like his.  As she stated one would think that  he would be self-absorbed and into himself, working out all the time and he is not like that at all. He is the complete opposite of Jason Stackhouse according to Lizzy. Read the complete interview with Jarret Wieselman on PopWrap as Lizzy Caplan discusses in detail her new TV show "Party Down" by clicking on the link in source. SOURCE: (Photo credit:  HBO Inc.)

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