Thursday, May 7, 2009

True Blood Season 2: Midnight Draws Near on the Blood Copy Report

55912542Roger's attempts to find Andrew seems to be ruffling a few feathers (or perhaps fangs) because although no one claims to have seen Andrew the posters that Roger plastered across the city are being torn down. Even as he attempts to get answers not one is willing to give him answers. So the mystery thickens as the time for the meeting draws near and Roger reaches the meeting spot: an indistinguishable bar with no sign. Going in early was not really a good idea since it seemed like walking into a bad horror movie with no one talking and everyone staring out into space like a bunch of zombies. While walking outside the bar until the actually moment arrived Roger contemplated all the possible scenarios for Andrew's disappearance. Was it a girl he met, a new lead on a new creature or something has happened to him. Well whatever the reason the time has come and the weirdest thing is the guy that Roger thought was Andrew at the art exhibit just went into the bar. Roger can't make any sense out of all the encounters he has had up to now and the resistance he seems to encounter when he tries to get any information. Is he missing something here in the equation? Go to his Blood Copy blog and read his report and see if you notice anything that might help him in his search for Andrew. SOURCE: (Photo credit:

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