Sunday, September 27, 2009

Anna Paquin's Trick 'R Treat New Movie Trailers

anna-paquin-trick-r-treatSeveral new movie trailers have been released of Anna Paquin's 2008 movie, Trick 'r Treat, that is scheduled to come out onto DVD and Blu-Ray on October 6, 2009.  Many horror film fans having been waiting for the release of this movie for quite sometime and after watching these trailer they will not be disappointed and will be guaranteed to be scared to death. The movie is set in a small town where an unsuspecting couple learn a terrifying lesson that some traditions such as blowing out a Jack-o-Lantern before midnight can have dangerous consequences. The movie follows four women who cross paths with a costumed stalker at a local festival; a group of pranksters goes too far and discovers the horrifying truth buried in a local legend; and a cantankerous old hermit is visited by a strange trick-or-treater with a few bones to pick.
The doorbell rings, the cry goes out: Trick 'R Treat! But, wait. What's actually going on during this ghostly All Hallows Eve? Something eerie and unexpected. Something splattered and spooky. Something that brings ghouls, vampires and werewolves into the night. From producer Bryan Singer (director of X-Men and Superman Returns) and writer-director Michael Dougherty (co-scripter of X2 and Superman Returns) comes a goodie bag of wicked yarns, four cleverly interlocked stories built on Shocktober admonitions like always check the candy and don't extinguish the jack-o-lantern before midnight. So answer the door now: Experience horror made for today's fright fan.
The movie also stars Quinn Lord, Brian Cox, Dylan Baker, Leslie Bibb, Tahmoh Pennikett (of TV's Battlestar Galactica and more recently Dollhouse), as well as a host of other actors. The Internet Movie Databse (IMDb) site rates this movie at a 9.3 out of 10 stars. Treat 'R Trick looks at the dark side that lurks around us and sometimes within us to provide us with the ultimate fright: the unknown. SOURCES:

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