Thursday, October 22, 2009

Stephen Moyer Sexy Talk About True Blood

stephen-moyer-pic-getty-449009931Bill Compton may be the brooding, tortured soul of vampires on True Blood, but in real life, Stephen Moyer has a much lighter personality. In an article featured in the UK newspaper London Lite, the interviewer calls Stephen "livelier than a bunch of live wires in a puddle of rainwater." The British actor happily discussed life since True Blood. One thing that certainly contributes to his good mood and love for his job is Stephen's engagement to his costar Anna Paquin. He describes her as "sharp, funny, talented, caring, generous and kind. Oh, and she's beautiful." The two of them seem absolutely perfect together, and demonstrate their mutual respect and admiration in every interview they do. As for the work itself, the role of Bill was a pleasant surprise for Stephen, who was not particularly interested in doing a supernatural genre show at the offset:
"When they said it was a vampire drama I was like, 'Nah, no thanks' but when I read it I was amazed. It was the best pilot I'd ever read."
Given how much time he has spent naked in the first two seasons of the show, Stephen jokes that he puts it in his contracts to show off his body:
"I'm always flicking through a script going 'Where do I get my kit off?' Oh yeah, there it is!"
But he also likes that True Blood has layers to it beyond the simply fun, entertaining level:
"You can watch the show and think it's just a camp, sexy romp or you'll watch it and think it's an interesting comment on society. Bill's an outsider who arrives in town and is ostracized. He represents whatever your minority is--homosexuality, whatever."
Given how True Blood has grown in just one year to be watched by millions of people worldwide, Stephen's profile has increased and has attracted a huge fan following. He seems amused, but perplexed by some of the stuff he's received in fan mail:
"I've had some odd things, like used knickers to plasters that have apparently been on fans' necks, and I recently got sent a photo of a German lady lying naked next to a horse. I have no idea why."
Being a celebrity certainly brings some interesting results! But Stephen doesn't seem to mind, considering all that he has gained from True Blood. SOURCE: Simon Button / London Life, via (Photo credit:

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