Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Ask Dr. L - Good Eats!
I happen to be an amazing gourmet chef, among my multitude of other talents. Best I can do for you here is think of you next time I make Chicken Marsala Ala Ludwig. No wait, that would give me serious indigestion. Joke's over! Yo, L-Dawg, My dream is to be a rock star. I don't even car what instrument. I love them all. I've got a guitar, bass, and drum set in my parent's basement. I can play them all and oh you should hear my voice. But no matter how hard I try, I never get discovered. I've heard that vampires are super fast. If I could find one to "turn" me, would I be fast enough to totally shred my axe, like better than Hendrix? Could I make "Moby Dick" sound like "Moby Minnow?" Do you know any vamps willing to turn? Seattle John (Its a grunge thing) Dear Grungy, Excuse me, did you just refer to me as "Dawg"? But I must admit, hip, with it, happening chick that I am, I'm kind of down with "L-Dawg". Forever young is my motto. And that song was sung by the great Rod Stewart.
Now, as to your question, which must have been formed through some sort of drug induced haze, because if it weren't, you'd know I would never advise anyone as to how to find a vampire to turn them. And even if I were so inclined, I wouldn't tell anyone with a brain as obviously fried as yours is, as that would mean you and said brain would be around forever, just like my youth.
And may I just say, I knew the late, great Jimi Hendrix quite well. And even with his usual lack of sobriety, no one has ever, or will ever "shred an axe" like he did. Don't even bother to dream that one. Hey Dr. L, I just got my Masters Degree in Creative Writing. I've had this idea for a play involving vampires in my head for ever. Then they came out of the coffin. In that time there have been countless vampire books and what not. I've got the first draft of my play done finally and well, I have a two part question: 1. Do you think a real vampire would ever actually play the vampire part? It would make the special effects go some much smoother even though I know we'd have to give up the Sunday matinee. 2. Are there anythings that vampires hate to see about themselves in literature? I mean, my name is going to be on this and I don't want them coming after me if I write something offensive! Thanks, Warren the Writer Hi, Warren, I just love creative people! I happen to have written a few books, plays and screenplays myself. By the way, do you have a good agent and publisher you could hook me up with? OK, as an incentive, I will answer your 2 part question. First, you must realize many of the rich and famous people you adore are vampires. I find the whole lot of them to be tediously vain. BUT- they won't work cheap. You will have to go union. And if you want them to do their one SFX, well, I doubt a young graduate such as yourself could afford to pay such a steep price. They aren't only vain, they are greedy.
As to anything being offensive to them, I refer back to my earlier statement about their plaguing vanity. If you flatter them, make them look sexy and hot, it really won't matter what else you say about them. Of course, they also have rather mercurical, quick silver tempers that can turn on a dime... So I guess I'm saying here, you tell me what you know about agents, publishers, etc- and I'll tell you what might make one of these vamps snap your neck in two. Dear Dr L: There's something I've always wondered about werewolves. I'm guessing they're not immortal like vamps, but does the extra vitality their wolf-side has give them extended life spans? I'm just wondering if you've ever encountered a "silver-back" werewolf who's old, grey, decrepit, and "long in the tooth," to coin a cliche'. Gill Dear Gill, Being of an age myself, my earlier "forever young" remark notwithstanding, I find your old, grey, decrepit and long in the tooth references quite rude! Just because a person has a little snow on the roof, doesn't mean there isn't still fire in the furnace! I am rather friendly with quite a few in the Were community, and they would avenge my offense. Just keep this in mind, Gill, that weres are amazing trackers- they can find you and show you how they treat rude people. Next full moon, I'd watch my back, if I were you! Hi Dr. L! Love your column, it's the best for those of us with connections to the Supes! My problem has to do with my long time boyfriend, Jackson. We've been going out for about 2 years and I just found out he's a shape shifter! How exciting is THAT? I'm was a bit freaked out at first.. I mean, his 'go to' shape is bat of all things! Scared me witless when he showed me! I thought he was telling me he's a VAMPIRE YUCK! No offense intended to anyone but I'm a morning person and I'm already anemic.. And then he was hanging from my mother's tiffany chandelier and I was so freaked that he'd break it or POOP on the tablecloth! I mean, I watch the nature channel, I've seen those caves! OMG it really was a very bad day, I ended up chasing him out of the house with a broom! We broke up for a month but he really is the sweetest thing and he's been working on switching his 'go to' to a lovely Persian kitty. Isn't that just adorable? Anyway, What I've been wondering for the last couple weeks since we got back together is.. could he change into a different people shape? I swear I saw him at the local bar chatting up that slut Alice. But he was a good 3 inches taller, thinner and looked a decade older! He says it wasn't him but I still have this niggling worry.. Sign me: Suspicious Dear Suspicious, Dear, dear girl- caught up in the age old worry of fidelity is a tangle, isn't it? Let's just be grateful your beloved is not a "yucky vampire", to begin with. Count your blessings, such as they are. And bats really aren't such horrible creatures. I've known many people who've had them in their belfries for years! HA HA!! But if he's willing to switch to a Persian kitty, all the better. Just be sure to stock up on kitty litter and hairball remedy. My last bit of advice here might not be so pleasant, but here goes: I know that slut Alice. I've seen many a man, human, shifter, whatever- do unbelievable feats just to be with her, if you get my drift. If I were you, I'd hang him from your mother's chandelier in his human form by his most delicate private parts and leave him there to ask himself if Alice was worth it. Be sure to Submit your questions in the Comments Section below and if you're unlucky enough Dr. L may choose to answer your question! To view past Dr. L words of wisdom just do a search on Dr. L in the box in the upper left of the page. Disclaimer: These answers are provided for entertainment purposes only and should not be followed by ordinary humans. This column is a parody of the Gothic fantasy series, True Blood, and as such, is presented here for your amusement. Ask Dr. L and the various writers that contribute to it, have no relationship/affiliation to HBO, True Blood, or any of the cast or crew of said nor any relation to Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse novels. Header Credit: K. S. Rose
Charlaine Harris To Visit the University of Central Arkansas
"Bringing Charlaine Harris is a great example of the Student Government Association putting students first and providing and opportunity to meet and hear from a truly relevant and current author."Burns added:
"Many students, staff and faculty are really excited to have Ms. Harris here on campus."The lecture has reserved seating and will take place at the Reynolds Performance Hall. Two tickets per person may be picked up at the UCA Box office, which is open Monday through Friday from 10 am. to 4 pm. Reserved tickets may be obtained up until 7 pm. on the night of April 1. If tickets are not picked up by 7 pm. on April 1, they will be given away. UCA ID is required by all students, faculty, and staff when picking up reserved tickets. For more information you can visit their website here or contact them at 501-450-3265. SOURCE: University of Central Arkansas News Picture credit: HBO Inc.
Eric Northman,Vampire ... Anti-Hero
What is it about Eric Northman that draws and mesmerizes so many? The infamous vampire bar and club? The snappy attire? The bold yet casual swagger? The fact that he is an authority figure? These are all reasons that legions of fans are attracted to this charming and enigmatic vampire gent. The character also has a hard edge and a dark sense of humor, which I think makes him more interesting and fun to watch.
Each episode with Eric reveals another facet to his personality. Early in the second season, after viciously attacking someone in his basement dungeon, he asks a horrified Lafayette, "Did I get blood in my hair?" This is just one example of how Eric can be scary and funny at the same time. The scene where he, Pam and Chow prey upon Lafayette is evidence that he is a fierce predator.
"True Blood" fan Mary from New York says, "I find him to be sexy because there is an element of danger about him. There is also hope for Eric because of the way he was loyal and protective, to a fault, with his maker, Godric."
Tommy, a writer and fan of the show says, " I think that Eric knows his own strength and that may sometimes intimidate people around him; even viewers. He may come across as arrogant and yet it may be simply that he is comfortable with himself."
Jaxx, an avid fan of the show had this to say, "I think that in the next season, we will see even more of a breakthrough with Eric. I believe that he is a diamond in the rough and has much potential to change."
I think that Eric Northman, like many of the other characters on the show, is a layered and complex person. We, the viewers and fans, do not know if he is good or bad. Much of his past seems to be cloaked in mystery, too. He can be treacherous and deceptive but he can also be loyal and protective with those few he cares about. Eric is a complex character. He acts tough but in the second season of the show, he saves Sookie's life twice. Once,when she was attacked by the Maenad and then again when Luke MacDonald bombed out a building where she and Eric were present. He is fascinated with her, and watching his desire and curiosity grow over the next year should be quite appealing.
Unlike Bill and Sam, Eric cares little about acceptance from others or about integrating vampire and human culture in society. Eric does things his own way and he makes no bones about it. He is seen by some as the consummate rebel, a non-conformist. Although, he may be just as wounded on the inside as the others, but more adept at hiding it.
Fans would agree Eric Northman may well be the hottest vampire on TV to date! He has mesmerized many with his charm and dominant personality. It will be quite interesting to see how his relationships with others, including Sookie, progress during the next couple of seasons.
With Eric there are many more layers to unravel but I don't think his adoring fans mind that very much.
Do you have a viewpoint on Eric? Please feel free to post it in the comments below! Remember, no attacking each other, keep it civil!
Photo credit: HBO
Screen Capture: James
True Blood's Ryan Kwanten Recognized by Men’s Fitness Magazine
True Blood Season 3 Viral Ad Poster #2 - VILF
(Photo credit: HBO Inc.)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Celebrate Season 3 of True Blood and Win Exclusive Prizes
The pack includes: (1) 4 pack Tru Blood (1) "All Flavor, No Bite" poster (2) Tru Blood branded cocktail menu table tents (50) Tru Blood branded cocktail napkinsRemember you can purchase the Tru Blood beverage from the following: US: Amazon
Kevin Alejandro on His Roles in Southland and True Blood
"What drew me to the show was how smart it is and how it is such a big cast, but they were able to keep all these stories going and keep it interesting without being confusing, and it was so raw. Even when you were reading the script, you could feel how raw the stories were. So, that's what really got me interested. And, the fact that he was a completely different character than I've played."Kevin had to do a lot of background research to prepare for his role on Southland. Kevin explained that the actors were given time to prepare for their roles and did extensive research and training. The were taught how to cuff people, how to pull someone over, weapons training, police academy classes, and ride-alongs with actual police officers. When asked what type of response he has gotten from the community and actual cops who watch the show, Kevin had this to say:
"I have some friends who are a retired police offer and retired SWAT, people who are captains and sergeants, and in the police academy, in different parts of L.A. So, I'm in that world a little bit, and I've heard nothing but absolutely positive things. Just the other night, I was at a friend's birthday party, and there was a random person I had never met before, who was a New York cop, back in the day, and she said, "Your show is, by far, the only cop show that I like because it is very true. All the stories that you guys are telling and are going through, I know somebody or have been through that situation." I always get a, "Thank you," at the end of it. People say, "Thank you for representing us. Thank you for doing the show." So, yeah, all the feedback has been very positive."Kevin admits that the show has given him a newfound respect for what police officers have to go through on a daily basis. He finds it amazing as well, how cops deal with seeing so many things from someone getting shot to a mother abused by her husband and how they deal with that everyday. Kevin also has a lot of respect and admiration for his fellow castmates. Kevin explained that the cast works really well together and it has been a great experience, one he hopes will continue. This is due to the fact that the show has been switched over from their original network to TNT which left the cast wondering if the show would continue. One of the things Kevin had to say when asked what he enjoyed most about working on the show was:
"Working with everybody. They're all great. We all love coming to work. It moves so fast. It's a very non-traditional television show. Because of the cameras we use and the style of the show, it just moves at a quick pace. We're in and we're out, and we get the job done quick. That's been exciting. You never know what's going to happen."Kevin then talked about landing his role on True Blood. Kevin explains that he really wanted the role because it gave him a chance to play a character that was completely different from his character on Southland. He says it has been great working with Alan Ball and the cast on set. Kevin's character on True Blood, Jesus Velasquez, is connected to Lafayette and his mother. When asked how it was working with Nelsan Ellis and Alfre Woodard, Kevin had this to say:
" I feel honored that people would actually trust me to be part of a crew like that. Nelsan is a Juilliard man. And, Alfre Woodard is Alfre Woodard. I just feel great that people think that I can hold my own with those guys and that I have good chemistry with them."Kevin admits that it was a bit nerve wracking coming into True Blood which has definitely established itself as a series and trying to bring a new character into that and creating his place in that world. Kevin's interview ended with him being asked if there are any specific roles or genres he would still like to pursue since he has performed in such different roles and Kevin answered by saying that he would love a chance to do some Shakespeare. As sure as I am that Kevin would do a fabulous job with Shakespeare, I am much more excited to see him on season 3 of True Blood! SOURCE: (Photo credit:
True Blood's Jim Parrack aka Hoyt Cast in "Joint Body"
Monday, March 29, 2010
PHOTOS: Carrie Preston In Hawaii
Metropia with Alexander Skarsgard Available Soon by Video On Demand
Tru Blood Samples at WonderCon
VIDEO: True Blood Season 3 "Waiting Sucks" Promo With Sam
Sunday, March 28, 2010
VIDEO: Alexander Skarsgard In "Beyond the Pole"
True Blood Season 3 Casting Call for Holly
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Kristin Bauer Joins Dragon*Con Guest List
Friday, March 26, 2010
True Blood Season 3 Rumors Abound
VIDEO: Ryan Kwanten at the Race For A Cure Event
True Blood's Ryan Kwanten Film to Become Video Game
"...The videogame gives players a fun, new gameplay experience capturing the excitement of owl fight and flight with intuitive and smooth controls. Players will be able to do much more than fly, as they race, attack and grow their abilities for a more immersive experience throughout the expansive environments beautifully depicted in the game."Sounds like fun. Let's hope both film and game are hits. Source: (Photo credit: HBO Inc.)
Charlaine Harris Book Launch Party at Ground Zero Blues Club
"The Blues Muse is made up of 15 project contributors who will be playing instruments and singing," said Virginia Schafer, President of the Delta Writer's Association (DWA), the organization of local writers who are hosting the event.Forty percent of the proceeds from the sale of "Delta Blues" during the launch party this weekend will be given to the Rock River Foundation which is a grant-matching, charitable organization that strives to improve the level of education in the state of Mississippi founded by Morgan Freeman. With every book sold in the future, $1 will be given to the foundation to help literacy.
"The Delta Writers Association is honored to be working with Rock River Foundation and these fabulously gifted authors," said Schafer. "We are overwhelmed with their generosity and that of the publisher, Tyrus Books, to help bring literacy to the Delta. We hope that events like these will motivate the students of the Delta to explore journaling, writing, and other forms of creative expression."If you are in the area why not spend a Saturday evening supporting a worthy cause and having fun at the same time. And you just might see Charlaine up on stage singing or playing an instrument! The Ground Zone Blues Club is located at Ø Blues Alley next door to the Delta Blues Museum in the heart of historic downtown Clarksdale, Mississippi. Clarksdale is just 75 miles south of Memphis, TN. For more information on the club you can visit their website here. SOURCE: The Clarksdale Press Register (Photo credit:
Thursday, March 25, 2010
True Blood's Kristin Bauer To Attend Chiller Theatre Expo
"For many kids living in the New York City/Long Island area in the mid-1970's through the early 1980's, WPIX's (Channel 11) CHILLER THEATRE was a welcome addition to the Saturday night lineup with a plethora of horror/sci-fi films".In honor of these memories, the Chiller Theatre Toy, Model and Film Expo was created in 1990 and has continued in the Spring and Fall of each year since. The Fall 2009 guest list included Patrick Stewart, Peter Fonda, Ann-Margret, Mickey Rooney and Elvira ("Mistress of the Dark") among many others. As you can guess from visiting their website,, this convention focuses on all things dealing with monsters, witches, vampires, horror and scary sci-fi stuff. Sounds like fun to me! Advanced tickets must be ordered by April 4th and the order form can be downloaded and mailed in, or you can pay online with PayPal. Prices are as follows:
SOURCE: (Photo credit: Admission
AT THE DOOR: General Admission is $25.00 per day. ADVANCE: $20.00 per day, or $60.00 for all three days (VIP).Pre-Show Tickets
Pre-show tickets give you access to the show one hour earlier than the general public on Friday night or Saturday morning. AT THE DOOR: $30.00 each. ADVANCE: $25.00 each.Pre-Show & VIP Tickets
AVAILABLE IN ADVANCE ONLY: Entry for the entire weekend plus ONE HOUR EARLY on Friday OR Saturday is $65.00. Pre-show BOTH days, plus all day Sunday is $70.00. Children age 12 and under FREE when accompanied by an adult. Hotel reservations can be made online with a special Chiller Theatre rate. For more information you can visit their website here. To see the complete list of all the celebrity guests attending click here.
Sony Buys the Rights to Ryan Kwanten's Red Hill
"Hughes has contemporized the revenge western with such style and adrenaline that we jumped at the opportunity to distribute such a bad ass movie."In the movie, Ryan plays a young police officer, Shane Cooper, who relocates to the small town of Red Hill with his pregnant wife, Alice. When news of a prison break sends the town into a panic, Shane's first day on the job quickly turns into a nightmare. Add into the mix a convicted murder, Jimmy Conway, who has returned to the town of Red Hill seeking revenge. Now caught in the middle of this chaos, Shane will be forced to take the law into his own hands if he wants to survive. Sounds like a great movie to see and I am sure Ryan is amazing in it as you can see for yourself in the official movie trailer below. SOURCE: (Photo credit: HBO Inc.)
True Blood's Popularity on the Web and TV Go Hand in Hand
"The Internet is not going to kill television. They also said radio was dead with the advent of television, and we can all see that it didn't die, it just became another part of the media mix."Interest in prime time shows, such as "Glee," "Heroes," "Lost," "Mad Men" and our own "True Blood" and live event shows like the Oscars and the Super Bowl has been fueled by viewers ability to participate. Just ask Michelle Dupuis of Toronto, who watched the Oscars in the company of her laptop, following Entertainment Weekly's live blog and friends' and celebrities comments on Twitter.
"The Academy Awards this year were boring. The only thing that made it interesting was Twitter."The number of people watching TV while surfing online increased 35 percent in the fourth quarter of 2009 over the same period just three months earlier, according to a report by Nielsen Co. Award shows telecasts also saw a boost. The Oscars drew 41.3 million viewers, its largest audience since 2005, and more than 13 percent of Oscar viewers simultaneously spent time on the Web. The Grammy Awards were up 35 percent, the Golden Globes were up 14.3 percent, and the People's Choice Awards were up 15 percent. Super Bowl XLIV also set a record as the most-watched Super Bowl to date, with 51.7-million households. It topped the series finale of M*A*S*H, which had 50.2-million households in 1983. Nearly 60 percent of TV viewers now use the Internet once a month while watching television, media product leader Matt O'Grady said in the report.
"The initial fear was that Internet and mobile video and entertainment would slowly cannibalize traditional TV viewing, but the steady trend of increased TV viewership alongside expanded simultaneous usage argues something quite different."How does "True Blood" factor into all of this? Nikki Stafford, writer of the Finding Lost series and several other TV viewer guides, said HBO uses Twitter to interact with viewers who have created online personas for their favorite characters. These viewers help disseminate trivia and teaser clips, especially now that Season 3 is approaching. Fan interest online translates to more press and blog coverage, helping to boost ratings. Season 2's live finale was watched by 5.1 million viewers, she said.
"(HBO) really jumped into the viral marketing and took advantage of the fan community out there online."Dré Labre said the ritual of watching TV is something that will remain constant, but TVs as we know them will likely change to include more computer-like features.
"I think people like to come home and sit on the couch and watch TV, and I don't think that is going to change. The business model behind TV is going to change. TVs are going to have hard drives in them, built-in PVRs (and) will evolve as a piece of hardware evolves . . .but the reality is, that it still going to be the centerpiece of our couches."We can see for ourselves the growing popularity of True Blood on Facebook and on Twitter as the official True Blood Facebook Fan Page has already reached over the 1.2 million mark, @TrueBloodHBO has almost 61,000 followers and our own @truebloodnet Twitter account, where we post the latest True Blood news and tidbits, reaches over 33,000 Twitter users daily. SOURCE: Financial Post (Photo credit: Paley Center for Media)
Enter The Dark Door
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
True Blood Season 3 Viral Ad Poster
(Photo credit: HBO Inc.)
VIDEOS: True Blood's Nelsan Ellis Playing Vampire Baseball
Charlaine Harris Guest Speaking Tonight in Pennsylvania
The "Charming" Vampire King of Mississippi Has Spoken
"Initially Alan [Ball] told me that Russell was pretty old and was very charming and had a southern accent. We decided eventually that Russell was older than the character of Godric and so that puts him at around the 2700-2800-year-old mark - he was "made" sometime in 800 BC. He's an ancient Celt. The Celts originated in the Carpathian mountains and then started migrating West in search of the bed of the sun. In 55 BC they were defeated by Julius Caesar in Gaul. So, obviously, Russell has worn many masks and his latest "incarnation" as a southern gentleman is just another mask."Fittingly, as the oldest vampire that has been introduced on True Blood so far, Russell offers Bill some love advice based on his own 700-year-old relationship with his boyfriend, Talbot. Although slightly elusive, Denis says that his character, Russell, tells Bill to "spend eternity together- that's commitment!" With the Vampire King of Mississippi wearing so many masks, Denis appear to be a great fit. Denis began his acting career in Chicago where he attended Northwestern University and later moved to New York in 1992. From there, he has continued to shine on stage and screen and has starred in the films The Anniversary Party (2001), Milk (2008), Edge of Darkness (2010), the television series Brothers & Sisters, the Broadway musicals Cabaret (1998), Sweet Charity (2005), and received a Tony award nomination for his role in Assassins (2004). Denis has so far filmed two episodes of True Blood, but hopes to remain part of the cast noting that "if True Blood sees fit to keep me around, I'd love to continue working with those wonderful people." The Deeper Dish article includes a series of videos and a fun game of random questions/responses with Denis, highlighting his quick wit and some of the fun we can hopefully expect from Russell Edgington. SOURCE: Deeper Dish (Photo credit:
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
True Blood Jewelry Special
Alexander Skarsgard's Straw Dogs Delayed
A True Blood Fan's Perspective From The Vampire Baseball Charity Event
Monday, March 22, 2010
Charlaine Harris Talks Sookie Stackhouse and True Blood
"My input lay in writing books. After that, I knew the wise course was to let Alan's expertise and experience take over. From our conversations, I knew Alan was tuned into the feel and tone of the books, and since his genius lies in casting, I trusted him. I think Anna and Stephen are fantastic in their roles."Charlaine goes on to discuss her relationship with fellow vampire writers Anne Rice, Laurell K. Hamilton, and Stephenie Meyer and states that she and Anne Rice do exchange emails and she knows that Ms. Rice is a big fan of the TV show. In regards to Ms. Hamilton she states that they have a friendly relationship but has never met Ms. Meyers, "who has said repeatedly that she does not read other writers in the genre." Charlaine feels that all of the writers are inspired by each other in some ways and as she states, "I'd like to think we all lend each other some energy in our works." She's was also asked about the creative license Alan and the writers have taken with some of the characters and plot.
"Oh, it's been fascinating. Obviously, the series has to delve into the background of some of the other characters so Anna won't have to be on-screen all the time, and I love not knowing what I'm going to see next."Charlaine also mentions that she would like to try something different in her writing when she will have some free time, but at the same time, she still proclaims her love for her Sookie stories. True Blood's appeal knows no borders. When does season three start again? SOURCE: (Photo Credit: Caroline Grayshock,