Monday, September 14, 2009

Metropia Comes to the Venice Film Festival

stefan-metropiaAlexander Skarsgard's new film, Metropia, premiered September 3rd at the Venice Film Festival. The film also stars Juliette Lewis and Vincent Gallo, among others. It is directed by Tarik Selah. IMDb offers this as a plot synopsis:
METROPIA is taking place in a not-so-distant, terrifying Europe. The world is running out of oil and the net of undergrounds has been connected, creating a gigantic web underneath Europe. Roger (Vincent Gallo) from a suburb of Stockholm tries to stay away from the underground. He thinks it's unpleasant and sometimes he hears a strange voice in his head. One day Roger finds out that his life is controlled in every detail. He tries to break free. To succeed he needs super-model Nina (Juliette Lewis) to help him. Or is it maybe Nina that needs Roger?
Not much is out there in terms of movie reviews, perhaps because the film is so new. The website says "Bottom Line: Ambitious, sleek sci-fi animation loses itself in story's twists and turns." The reviewer goes on to say that the animation for the film is "highly stylized". She also mentions that Alexander Skarsgard's character, Stefan, is based on his face (yay - who doesn't love to look at his face?!?!?) rather than a composite of photos. Stefan's role appears to be that of omniscient narrator - he monitors people through microchips embedded in their brains. In addition to its September 3rd premiere at the Venice Film Festival, Metropia will premiere on September 20th at the Helsinki International Film Festival, and will premiere in Sweden on November 9th. No word on when the US premiere is. Here is a little preview of the movie -- what do you think? I'm impressed that Alexander took a role that really stretched is abilities. It is so different from his current role as Eric Northman! Source:, YouTube, THReviews, Skarsgard Fans Photo Credit: Skarsgard Fans

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