Monday, September 14, 2009

True Blood Season 2: What Did You Think Of The Season Finale?

true-blood-season-finale-8-newLast night we watched the season finale of True Blood and all I can say is it is going to be a very long 9 months until season 3 returns in the summer.  Some storylines were clarified while new ones developed that will having us speculating developing theories as to what we may see for season 3.  What did you think of the finale?  What were your favorite scene and why?  Was it the dance and proposal scene with Bill and Sookie?  Who do you think kidnapped Bill?  What did you think of the whole Maryann scene? The season finale also brought up a series of questions that may or may not get answered in season 3?  Some the pop into my my mind are: How did the Queen know Sookie is more then human?  Did Bill seem surprised when Sookie stated she didn't believe she was human as well?  Now that Sam drank alot of Bill blood, what will that do to Sam?  Who kidnapped Bill? Eric, Lorena or maybe someone else? Please join us in our forum where you can post you comments and join in discussions with fellow True Blood fans to ponder these questions and speculate on season 3. Please remember keep references to what is happening on True Blood and not what was in the books.  We want to have a discussion about the events that have happened up to now in the series.  Also please be cordial and no bashing of any of the characters, otherwise your comment will be deleted.  We want provide a positive environment where people can express their feelings about the events without feeling the characters will be bashed. Click here to join in the discussions on our forum. (Photo credit : HBO Inc.)

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