Sunday, August 22, 2010

Denis O'Hare Talks About His Shocking Scene

Denis O'Hare, True Blood, Russell EdgingtonDenis O'Hare has shocked us to the core on last week's episode of True Blood. Many of us are still reeling from last week's episode where Denis O'Hare's character, Russell Edgington, literally rips the spine out of a news anchor as he pleads to the country. Russell asks the viewers to understand that we are a food supply and he would be happy to eat us and our children. Then  gives what has become easily the line of the season "...and now to Tiffany for the weather." Then Russell turns and gives viewers that award winning smile that we both love and hate at the same time. Denis says that merely minutes after the show aired he began getting texts from his friends who loved it and could do nothing but laugh.  According to Denis, there is more where that came from,
"What I think is great about Russell — as opposed to other villains on other shows, other seasons — is that he's not omnipotent. He's got limits to his power; he's got limits to his abilities. He's not always rational; he can't foresee everything. He doesn't see things coming. He gets duped 'cause he gets tricked by Eric. Eric appeals to his vanity, saying, 'Oh, you're the next great leader,' and then he kills Talbot," Denis explained. "So I love the fact that Russell's got blind spots and the more unhinged he gets and the more angry he gets, the more sloppy he's gonna get."
Denis said that in order to prepare for his role he received dialect coaching and even took a self paid for trip to Mississippi to see the plantation where Russell lives.  In the beginning, viewers watched Russell appear in clothes such as the riding pants, but lately he has stepped up his outfits, and now is being donned in Hugo Boss and Ted Baker. Even though we have not had the pleasure of seeing Denis drop his riding pants, he says that he is ready. He has picked up the very popular exercise program P90X, which has quite literally almost made him lose his breakfast.
"You know, I've gotten close.. During the ab routine, I was like, 'This is not — I'll just die!" he laughed.
As someone who has done this program, kudos to you Denis, it's hard core. He is also preparing for a run on September 11th - Hare & Tortoise Ovarian Cancer Run/Walk. The event will take place in Williamsburg, Va. This is very dear to him since it is put on by his father, John O'Hare, and is in honor of his mother, Karen, who passed away in 2008.
"I'm going to run the whole thing," he said. "I work out pretty hard and I've definitely run in the past. I ride my bike everywhere… at least an hour a day. It's not the same thing as running, but that's how I get around New York. So I'm hoping I won't make a fool of myself. I think I'll be all right."
Such an awesome feat and very good cause! You will recall Denis O'Hare first mentioned to us about the Hare & Tortoise Ovarian Cancer Run/Walk in our exclusive interview with him.  As we stated in the interview if you wish to learn more about the please visit SOURCE: — Denis O'Hare on True Blood's Most Shocking Scene & Playing An Unhinged Vampire King (Photo credit - HBO Inc, screencap by James)

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