Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Nine Facts About True Blood's Alexander Skarsgard

3_z5iepieix_1cgp6uchyg433481Everyone is wondering if  blonde bad boy, Eric Northman, will come out on top in this True Blood love triangle.  The vampire sheriff has a large fan base that practically worships him online.  He now has more than Sookie fantasizing about him. Here are the nine facts about 33-year-old Swedish actor, Alexander Skarsgard, that Movieline listed:
  1. In his first U.S. role, he played one of the ill-fated male model roommates in Zoolander.
  2. He is the son of actor Stellan Skarsgard, who you may remember as the professor from Good Will Hunting. (No doubt, he'd rather you remember him from that, than his role as one of the potential fathers from Mamma Mia!)
  3. Skarsgard rocketed to Swedish stardom at age 13 with his role as Jojjo in Hunden som log (The Dog Who Smiled). What's it about? Take it away IMDb commenter Pamela from Malmo, Sweden: [It] is about this boy Jojjo and his friends, a blond, male sex maniac and a girl called Peggy. They travel[the] town... go to school sometimes, entertain themselves by switching mail between mailboxes and just chill. Jojjo's dog is getting old bites... that gets Jojjo really sad. This is quite hard to explain as it's been a while since I saw it and it hasn't been on TV for a while."
  4. Perhaps you've YouTubed his (surprisingly SFW) shower scene with two other men in Swedish film Hundtricket? Incoming vampire queen Evan Rachel Wood certainly has! "I am not going to lie," she told E! when asked, "Yes I have."
  5. Skarsgard was heavily tipped to be in the running for the title role in Marvel's Thor and met several times with director Kenneth Branagh and Marvel head Kevin Feige, even going so far as to try on the costume for a screen test. Sadly, the role went to Chris Hemsworth. MTV reporter Larry Carroll recently told Skarsgard he was surprised by the outcome, as he thought Skarsgard had the perfect look for Thor; the Swede responded simply, "So did I."
  6. Still, at least we can all agree that Skarsgard had the perfect look to play a suicidal trannie in the straight-to-DVD film Kill Your Darlings.
  7. Skarsgard's U.S. career began to take off when he developed a relationship with HBO during the 2008 miniseries Generation Kill, where he played Iraq War sergeant Brad 'Iceman' Colbert. The network added him as a recurring character almost halfway into True Blood's first season, then upped him to a regular in season two.
  8. Don't be fooled if you hear Skarsgard talking in a Southern accent (as he did during the True Blood panel at Comic-Con). He's just preparing for his role in Rod Lurie's upcoming Straw Dogs remake, where he plays a Southern jock who has a past with James Marsden's wife, Kate Bosworth.
  9. When Skarsgard moved to New York to study acting, he rented a room from a 55-year-old Filipino fashion designer named Rene. (Who hasn't?) "Once when I got home and sat down to study, he told me I looked tense and he wanted to give me a massage," Skarsgard recalled once. "I just couldn't stop laughing. He knew I was straight, but he was trying again and again. I told him: 'Rene, please, I will not suck your d***, you know this."
Movieline put together a great list of facts.  If you are interested in having your own Sookie-like Eric dreams, then make sure you check out fact #4!  Enjoy! Source: Photo credit: HBO Inc.)

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