Monday, August 9, 2010

Mariana Klaveno On Her Favorite True Blood Character and Her Role as Lorena

On last week's episode of True Blood, Bill's maker Lorena was staked by Sookie, putting an end to one of the more enjoyable villains on the show.  Lorena did not have an easy go of it.  She was smacked over the head with a big screen television last year, set on fire, involved on one of the most infamous sex scenes on television, and finally staked, but Mariana's portrayal of Lorena made it so enjoyable to watch!  Mariana sat down with TV Fanatic to talk about her role on True Blood, her favorite character and her most challenging episode. In the interview, Mariana reveals that fans are in for an exciting season. She says that the writers really pushed the envelope and that the stakes have been raised.  For her personally, she had the most fun filming this season because her storyline was more exciting and she had the chance to get to know the cast better.  Mariana says that her favorite character is Pam played by Kristin Bauer:
"Kristin and I have become good friends off of set, but even if we weren't, I think she's so phenomenal in that part and it's so well written."
Obviously Lorena had her evil side but there were some redeemable things about her.  When asked about the similarities and differences between Mariana and Lorena, she replied:
"I'd like to think some of my dry humor came out through Lorena and I'm definitely not as stylish as she is, I wish I was.  Obviously I'm not as evil as she is and if somebody doesn't like me I don't become a psychotic girlfriend [laughs].  But there are parts of her rage and her passion and her love, that, absolutely are within me."
It's not surprising that Mariana says that the hardest scene to film was the neck twisting sex scene.  She says that the scene had to be filmed from so many different angles and different variations on the shot in order to get it just right. As happy as fans may be to see the end of Lorena we can all agree that we will miss Mariana.  She made the bad girl so enjoyable to watch! Source: (Photo Credit: HBO Inc.)

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