Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Alexander Skarsgard Talks with Interview Magazine

alex1Alexander Skarsgard spoke to Interview Magazine recently. He spoke at length with Miguel Enamorado and Rebecca Sinn about his role as Eric Northman in HBO's True Blood. During the interview Alexander discussed the bond between his character and Godric, his maker.
ENAMORADO: And there's such a strong bond between your character and Godric. SKARSGÅRD: Look, I'm 32 years old, and I've got a couple friends back home I've known for 25 years. Can you imagine a guy like Godric—they spent a thousand years together, and they were kind of a tag-team up until just  a hundred years ago. Just imagine what kind of bond you achieve in not 25 years but 800, 900 years. They have so much in common that they're almost the same person.
He also spoke about the relevancy of vampires in today's culture, saying that they represent consistency and permanence. Alexander knows Eric has killer instincts, and could act on them at any time. Also, he feels that today's vampires are easier to relate to for audiences. Eric and Bill can go shopping at the mall and fit right in. As far as Eric's clothing goes, Alexander meets with Audrey Fisher, his costume designer, before each episode. They discuss ideas for each scene, and what Eric should be wearing. Alexander has quite a bit of input into Eric's attire (such as the sweatpants and flip-flops outfit in Episode Two of this season), and doesn't shy away from injecting a bit of humor into his portrayal of Eric. He takes his role very seriously, maintaining an aura of mystery, on the edge suspense, and genuine curiosity --he's believable every step of the way.  His fascination with Sookie always leaves fans wanting a little more from him, as does his perpetual indifference towards almost everything else. Above all else, Alexander knows Eric is a true killer, and is not afraid to exploit his darker side torturing victims. It's nice know that Alexander Skarsgard enjoys his role as Eric Northman as much the legion of True Blood fans do! Source: Interview Magazine Photo Credit: Jim Pease

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