Sunday, August 23, 2009

Rutina Wesley Interviewed by iF Magazine

6a011168371db6970c0115714e9179970b-320wiTara Thornton and the other people of Bon Temps may be getting themselves into serious trouble with Maryann, but Rutina Wesley is loving life. She talked with iF Magazine about what her character has been going through and what she likes about her job. Rutina says that True Blood has been an actor's dream for her. Tara is so complex and layered that she gets to play lots of different emotions. Rutina is really proud of the work she has done as Tara (and rightfully so!). She says that the cast is like a family, and credits her fellow actors with bringing out the best in her:
"Adina Porter--amazing. Her and Michelle Forbes are two of the most grounded actresses that I've ever worked with. They always have my back...I always have to be on top of my game with both of them."
Of Tara's story arc this season, Rutina thinks Tara has gotten into this position with Maryann and Eggs because she is being taken care of for the first time in her life. Even though she's had some doubts about how genuine the whole situation is, it feels good. I just hope Tara wakes up to reality soon because I don't like seeing her controlled by something that is so bad for her. One thing about Tara that Rutina regrets a little bit is how scared she is of vampires. As a result, Rutina doesn't get to work very much with some of her cast mates when they go off into their own separate worlds on vampire business. She also talked about how uncomfortable the orgy scene was:
"That was the big one for all of us. But we're all very professional, it's a safe environment, and everyone really, really likes each other. But it's hard doing that stuff with fifty people when you're naked. But we all were there together and we all supported each other, so we made it work."
As for Tara's future, everything is very uncertain because Alan Ball could take her anywhere:
"You never know what's going to happen. They've strayed and they've done so much stuff with my character that's different than the books."
So that opens up a lot of exciting possibilities! But maybe not too exciting...Tara has had enough craziness this season to last her a long time. But for Rutina,
"Life is good and True Blood, it hurts so good...I'm just happy to be a part of a wonderful show that people are receiving in a beautiful way."
SOURCE: (Photo credit: HBO Inc.)

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