Matt Fowler from had the opportunity to speak with
Anna Paquin recently and asked her about
season 2 and the various plotlines that we will be seeing. A special thank you goes out to Matt for allowing us to reprint his interview with Anna here on our website in its entirety. Please visit
Matt Fowler's website at to get the latest information about your other favorite TV programs.
True Blood's Anna Paquin Leads the Blood Drive:
IGN talks to
Sookie Stackhouse about
Season 2 of the
HBO fangfest. True Bloodreturns this
Sunday, June 14th, for its much anticipated second season. New monsters! New mayhem! New nudity! If you're a fan of
vampires, but don't want to see high school kids staring longingly at each other before taking vows of chastity, then we highly recommend that you tune in for this adult-oriented "bawd"ville horror-fest. What's in store for
Sookie Stackhouse this season? More
vampire-lovin' that's for sure. But we thought we'd ask her ourselves. That's right; IGN had a chance to speak one-on-one with the Bon Temps telepath herself,
Anna Paquin. IGN TV: I actually had a chance to see a few episodes of the new season and I have to say; I liked it even better than Season 1. Anna Paquin: Why thank you!
IGN: Were you aware of the Charlaine Harris book series before you got the role as Sookie? Paquin: No. I read it when I was auditioning because I wanted to know as much as I could know and have as much of an advantage as possible. Any insights, you know. Because all we got was the pilot script when all of us were auditioning for the roles. But then I read further on. So I've read about three of them. But there are so many and she keeps writing more and more. I can't keep up.
IGN: Yeah, I think her ninth book just came out. Paquin: I know, right.
IGN: Speaking to that. Since there are nine books now, there's plenty of source material for your series to go on for years and years. Is this show something you could see yourself doing for a long time? Paquin: I would do this job as long as people still want to watch it. I mean, I love it.
IGN: What can you tell me about Season 2? What's Sookie going to be up to? I know she heads to Dallas. Paquin: Well, yeah. We head to Dallas. There's some business with the
Fellowship of the Sun church and a missing
vampire sheriff. And there's a lot of big and weird and scary stuff happens there, and…I don't know how to describe it without giving away major plot points.
IGN: All the series regulars - all you guys were pretty much together last season. With Merlotte's acting as the hub. This season, a few of you stray off from the pack. Sookie and Bill. Jason. How did it feel to be apart from the rest of your troupe? Paquin: It's weird. We were, literally, an ensemble last season and we all worked together all the time. And those were some of my closest friends and favorite people. So it was kind of weird, now, only seeing them at the table reads. But as the season goes on, the plotlines start to fold back into each other. Or explode on each other, if you like. Eventually, everyone comes back to the same playing field. But yeah, it was a little weird.
IGN: Were you ever uncomfortable with the amount of nudity or gore heading into the series? Was it something you had to get used to, or were you "all in?" Paquin: I was "all in." I mean, I'd read the books. I'd read the pilot. There was no pretending that it was anything else than what it was. If it wasn't my thing then I wouldn't have even auditioned.
IGN: Has anyone ever come up to you and been upset about some of the changes that were made for the TV show from the books? Paquin: No. I mean, no one's brought that up to my face. I'm sure if you're curious there's loads of blogs or whatever that you can find online where people rant about that kind of stuff. People tend to be really positive with me though.
IGN: What's it like being a part of a popular vampire show that's really geared toward adults? Where there's none of that "chastity" stuff? Paquin: Well, I'm an adult so…(laughs)…it feels appropriate. The issues of chastity and the "will they/won't they" resisting thing is kind of a stage of life that I'm not really at anymore. I personally like it to be a little more "out there" and raunchy. We get to do all kinds of odd things, and push the boundaries. And I like that, because that's the kind of television that I like to watch. But also, I wouldn't, say, let my young kid watch
True Blood. If I had one. It's all about what age demographic you're gearing your show toward. There's gotta be something for everyone, right?
IGN: The character of Jessica wasn't in the books. She was added in at the end of Season 1 and she plays a big role in Bill and Sookie's relationship. Can you tell us a bit more about that? Paquin: It's a real opportunity for
Bill and Sookie to either be strengthened as a couple, or for it to cause problems. It adds a kind of, often very funny, and very odd dynamic to them. Essentially they become adoptive parents. Because she's this brand new vampire who doesn't have a clue as to what she's doing, or how it all works really. She's still learning. And I thought it was a genius addition, and
Deborah Ann Woll, who plays her, is breathtakingly good. I mean, she's fantastic. I love it.
IGN: We've heard that this series is going to follow, in its own way, the love triangle story with Sookie, Bill and Eric. What can you say about that? Paquin:
Eric, from the get go, has wanted
Sookie. If for no other reason than because he's used to women throwing themselves at him and she doesn't. And that she's taken. He's got a fascination for her ability to "not care about him." And also, because he just wants to mess with
Bill. I think it's an interesting thing to throw in there because it's not exciting to watch a couple who's just good and "smooth sailing." Because real life's not like that. And on vampire shows, you've gotta come up with weird vampire stuff to happen to your couple. (laughs) Again, it's an opportunity for them to become closer or, wait and see, you know…have challenges. Plus, a lot of it's in the books. SOURCE: (Photo credit: HBO Inc.)
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