Though much smaller than Comic-Con, this year's Dragon*Con featured a panel about
True Blood that had
Kristin Bauer van Straten,
Nelsan Ellis, and
Sam Trammell in attendance. All three actors were in high spirits and joked about what we the fans will be seeing on September 12 during the
Season 3 finale of True Blood, and we were told that "There'll be blood." Nelsan opened up to the fans, saying that he wasn't the biggest fan of
Lafayette having a love interest until he realized that it would allow him to show a more tender side to Lafayette. Sam Trammell made a comment about "death" that he quickly retracted before talking about nudity on set. He said that he can't remember whether or not
Sam will be naked in the season finale. He also mentioned that his grandfather owned the land in a field he ran naked through in a previous episode of True Blood. Kristin Bauer van Straten reminded fans that she can't take credit for her awesome lines because she and the rest of the cast don't have much creative input for True Blood. She also said,
"I'm not privy to what the writer and producers think, but apparently Pam in the books just gets… more important."
The True Blood Season 3 finale is sounding like it'll be quite a feast of story lines and action that will thrill fans and simultaneously make them go crazy while waiting for
Season 4. It also sounds like there are a lot of stories left for our favorite True Blood actors to share as well. Maybe we'll get lucky and hear them while they're out promoting Season 4. SOURCE:
geeksofdoom.com — Dragon*Con 2010: 'True Blood' Panel Feat. Sam Trammell, Nelsan Ellis and Kristin Bauer (Image Credit:
WhiteNoises's Posterous)
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