Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ask Dr. L -- Healthy Addiction?

For a small fortune (and the promise of a steady supply of medicinal quality V) TrueBloodNet.com has gotten Dr. L to agree to answer your supernatural medical questions. Ask Dr. L is written by Dr. L (any resemblance to any characters living, dead or undead is purely coincidental), also known as Doctor to the Supernaturals, and was founded by her mother, Philine Paullips. It is the most popular and widely syndicated supernatural medical advice column in this world — or any other. Known for its uncommon nonsense and immortal, or just darn old, perspective. February 22, 2011 Dear Dr. L, With the flu season hitting the humans hard, most of the humans I have been dining with have had the flu vaccine in them. This has given their blood and very unique and wonderful flavor. I fear I may be getting addicted to the new flavor and have very little hope of going back to the regular flavor. I was wondering if you might know where I can get some flu vaccine to use or how I might wean myself off this new flavor? Regards, In Perfect Health Dear Healthy Friend, You know, of course, that I wouldn't care if the whole lot of you took a sunbathing vacation and obliterated yourselves, except that I need your blood for it's healing properties. Otherwise, I would try to add some garlic juice to some flu vac and give it to you. Drat! What's a doctor to do? So, call me and set up an appointment. We'll trade- your blood for a supply of flu vaccine, sans garlic. It won't be an even trade, mind you- I have staff to pay and all. But it will be as fair as I can be with low lifeless scum.


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