Thursday, May 28, 2009

True Blood Season 2: Spoilers with Alexander Skarsgard, Sookie, Maryann and Ashley Jones

true-blood-season-2-maryann-party2Latest True Blood Season 2 spoiler news featuring tidbits about Alexander Skarsgard's character Eric Northman, Sookie Stackhouse, Maryann and Ashley Jones who plays Daphne.   These spoiler tidbits come from Michael Ausiello at who answers a readers question about Alan Ball's hit HBO TV series True Blood which returns for Season 2 on Sunday, June 14, 2009 at 9PM/ET on HBO.  Instead of rewriting it let me present it to you it its original content so no changes occurs in the interpretation.
Question: Since you've seen the first four True Blood episodes of season 2, is there anything you can share? -- Sanna Ausiello: They're bloody fangtastic! (Never. Gets. Old.) Seriously, season 2 -- premiering June 14 -- gets off to a thrilling, gory, scary, sexy, disgusting, funny, suspenseful start. Alan Ball would drive a wooden stake through my heart if I spoiled any of the big twists (i.e. my lips are sealed about the fate of a certain flamboyant vampire blood dealer), but here are a few juicy morsels to whet your appetite: •    There are three orgies, all of them powered by Maryann's (Michelle Forbes) aphrodisiac fairy dust. •    Alexander Skarsgard's Nordic vamp has an extremely homoerotic encounter with a character who shall remain nameless. In related news, there are about two dozen gratuitous shirtless shots in the first four episodes, all of them belonging to either Mechad Brooks (Tara's new BF, Eggs) or Ryan Kwanten (Jason). •    Sookie has a very revealing conversation with a new character in episode 4. •    If you're wondering what secret Merlotte's newest waitress (played by Ashley Jones) is harboring, a clue can be found on her skin.
SOURCE: (Photo credit: HBO Inc.)

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