Friday, November 13, 2009

Stephen Moyer Being Eco-Friendly

Bill-Compton-RecyclingStephen Moyer not only plays the handsome vampire Bill Compton on Alan Ball's hit HBO TV vampire series True Blood, but he is also a friend to the environment.  Recently Stephen told The New Zealand Herald that since he has become a father he has been more aware of environmental issues.  His views about the need to protect the environment are not recent or the result of filming his environmental disaster film "Ice" but something he has been aware of for quite some time.
"I've been aware of it for quite a long time. Once you've got children you start thinking about what they're going to live with, and their children once you've gone, and so I suppose, if anything, it's just cemented my views in looking after everything."
So what does Stephen do on his part in protecting the environment?  He is a firm believer of recycling.  He know it doesn't sound very exciting and people think of it as something minor but it is a very important act that helps the environment.  A point that needs to get across to more people in order to get people involved.
"Yeah, I'm pretty obsessive about it actually and I have been for quite a while in a very boring way. I think what we need to do is be more exciting about our recycling because I think everyone thinks of it as a chore instead of something that is possibly saving the world."
I am reminded of the episode in season two on True Blood when Bill explains to Jessica the importance of recycling in the household and how Stephen seems to have this in common with his character Bill.  I found it interesting to see how some things tie into one another. SOURCE: (Photo credit:  HBO Inc.)

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