Monday, January 25, 2010

Summer of The Vampires

This summer will be very interesting because vampires will rule the big screen as well as the small screen. June seems to be the big month, the month when both Twilight Saga: Eclipse and the third season of  True Blood premiere.  Vampire fans will have something to sink their teeth into this  summer.   In mid June, True Blood will premiere its highly anticipated third season. Fans and viewers alike will have many of their questions answered  such as ...What will Sam find out about his birth family? What will happen with Tara? with Jason? Will Lafayette find a new love interest?  Will Alcide help Sookie to locate her vampire love?  and  perhaps the question most on the minds of loyal viewers..Who abducted Bill? And why?   The question of Sookie's engagement to Bill will have to wait for a while, as I'm sure that whoever abducted him may have plans for him to be punished or reprimanded in some way. Then,Of course, there is the question about a possible Sookie/Eric attraction. There are those fans who feel that since Bill is out of the picture, so to speak, that Eric Northman may pursue a deeper connection to Soookie Stackhouse. After tricking her into drinking his blood, She had already begun to have erotic dreams of him and their may be some kind of  "blood-tie" between them. Yet another question might be..Now that Sam has had Bill's blood will there be a connection , a "blood-tie" between the two?   Will Sam have erotic dreams of Bill? This next season, werewolves will be introduced and there may be  new vampire faces as well as maybe a few more shifters as well..As some of the cast members have hinted.   I suppose that we will have to wait until then to find out where Alan Ball and the writers will go with these story-lines. Also, sometime in June, the third installment of the Twilight Saga:Eclipse will also be released in theaters. This film, based on the third book in the Twilight series, chronicles Bella Swan's   relationship with her vampire love, Edward Cullen  and her ever growing attraction to her best friend, Jacob Black.  Fans of the books will see  Bella being stalked by bloodthirsty, vengeful vampires  and hounded by  over protective and highly territorial werewolves.   Plus, in this film, Bella must make a choice. To remain human and be with Jacob Black and his wolf-pack family or  become a vampire and remain with her beloved Edward and his family forever.  It seems that there is so much for her to deal with.    What with vampires  ruling the screens at the local cineplex and at home on cable TV, this summer promises to be a most memorable one.   In March, the second installment, "New Moon" will be available on DVD, so that fans can check out or re-view the second film in the series to get ready for the third film opening in June.   Probably around May or June, HBO will release the second season of True Blood on DVD So that fans can refresh their memories of what has already transpired before getting into the third season, which promises to be  wild and certainly intriguing.   This summer, it's all about the vampires. (Photo credit: HBO)

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