Friday, February 12, 2010

Anna Paquin's Connection With Werewolves And Vampires

Anna Paquin seems to have a predilection for portraying characters that are not likely to fit the general concept of the norm. First, she was Rogue in the X-Men trilogy, then she was a she-wolf in Trick 'r Treat, and now she's Sookie Stackhouse, the telepathic waitress we know and love on True Blood. However, we're going to focus on Anna as the sexy yet brutal she-wolf she was in Trick 'r Treat. Trick 'r Treat is a lesser-known horror flick written and directed by Michael Dougherty (who also wrote X2: X-Men United), which deals with four different events that all happen on Halloween night. In the story that Anna's character was involved in, the reveal of her paranormal self was fantastic. As says in its article about the sexiest werewolves of tv and film,
Anna Paquin demonstrated what a bold and mature actress she's become by exposing herself both emotionally and physically on HBO's Vampire series True Blood, but she successfully played werewolf in a little seen horror film she made before the hit series. Of the many small stories in Michael Doherty's Trick 'r Treat, Paquin's tale of a group of college girls out for an initiation on Halloween night proved to be the best. Turns out that not only is this tiny innocent looking girl out to experience her "first time" by becoming a werewolf, but so are her sister and their friends. An orgy around a campfire goes from sexy to bloody in brutal in a matter of seconds as Paquin and company strip off their human skin to the surprise of their male victims. Dinner is served!
Having seen this movie at Comic-Con two days before the True Blood cast signing and panel, I can tell you directly that I 100% agree with the opinion that Anna's character's plotline was by far the best one for me in the movie and she makes one sexy weregirl! Plus, as we know with the addition of werewolves to the cast of True Blood and the release of the new movie The Wolfman (in theaters today), werewolves are the up-and-coming creatures in Hollywood. These paranormal creatures, like vampires, seem to represent to both women and men certain traits we may not want to admit that we find attractive, like a darker, stronger bond with the one we love (vampires through 'turning' their human lovers, werewolves though having a mate), a desire to gain control over our fears of the unknown aspects of the real world, and how sexy a dominant personality can be. Do you think the new werewolf craze could take over the current vampire craze? And if you love werewolves, don't forget to go see The Wolfman! It looks like a movie that could be a lot of fun and a great way to fill the paranormal creature needs we have as we await Season 3 of True Blood in June! SOURCE: (Photo credit:

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