Friday, February 5, 2010

Anna Paquin Models for Marie Claire and Talks True Blood

Living in Bon Temps, Sookie Stackhouse probably finds most of her clothes at Wal-Mart, but True Blood star Anna Paquin diverges from her character in her love of high fashion. In the latest issue of Marie Claire, Anna modeled several beautiful designer outfits, from Prada to Chanel, for a supermarket photo shoot. You don't really expect to see someone wearing a custom Alexander McQueen dress in the meat aisle, but Anna makes it work. She also talked briefly about what life is like amidst all the True Blood fame and wedding preparations with costar Stephen Moyer. Anna seemed pleasantly surprised by the following that the HBO series acquired during its second season. She knew that anything Alan Ball did would be great. That combined with the public's appetite for vampire stories these days has made the show pretty special.
"I had no idea 2009 was going to be the vampire year. I just love True Blood's mix of funny, campy and weird."
It's also not a bad job when you meet and fall in love with one of your fellow actors. Anna says she and Stephen found common ground in their enjoyment of acting:
"We're pretty mundane. We walk our dogs, rehearse lines. But our shared passion for our jobs is a really exciting thing. It's part of the reason we ended up together."
As for the future, they aren't sure yet when they will get married and have kids. Their work on True Blood is currently keeping them busy most days and nights filming, so Anna says she can barely plan for short-term things. Everything else will come along when it's the right time. SOURCE: (Photo credit:

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