Thursday, July 9, 2009

True Blood’s Kristin Bauer On Acting And Core Values

kristin_bauer_2453382Ted Simmons from The CelebrityCafĂ©.com did a very revealing article with Kristin Bauer who plays Pam in Alan Ball's hit HBO TV vampire series True Blood.  In the interview she opened up and talked about her acting career along with the things in life she values most. In it Kristin talks about what she finds most fun about playing Pam. When asked to describe Pam, Kristin replies:
"Pam is just unremorseful. What's fun about her to play is she's a true vampire. How humans look at a Big Mac, that's how she looks at humans. They're just an entertainment and a food source. So she's endlessly fun to play. The costume people are amazing. Pam is just all about being immortal, powerful, and having an outfit for every occasion. It's such a blast".
The character Pam, in the few episodes we saw of her last year, delivered some of the shows most memorable lines [this show has many hysterically quotable lines from all the characters]. I love the way her and Alexander Skarsgard (Eric Northman) would play off each other it was the ultimate sarcasm fest.  In it she also discusses how much fun it is to play an evil character:
" I know that's the thing. I don't know why it's so unbelievably fun to play someone who's just 100 percent evil, but it's a blast. There are no complicating feelings, there's no feeling bad for anybody. It's just 100 percent selfish."
As I was reading the article I found Kristin to be such a polar opposite of her character aside the obvious [we all know she is not really a vampire I least I hope you do]. It was her commitment to things I also value, the welfare of animals and the environment. Kristin works for great causes one being the International Fund For Animal Welfare. I admire her love for animals. She also values the environment and eloquently described her feelings in this excerpt:
"Nature is so beautiful and so astoundingly incomprehensible to me. Then when I see anything that's beautiful like that, I just have this feeling that it's like if somebody handed you a beautiful glass. They give you a glass of water in a pretty glass if they just took the glass in went, "Yeah" and threw it at the wall and smashed it, you'd go, "Jesus!"
Not only is Kristin a talented performer she is also an artist. Ms. Bauer discusses the difference between the chaos of the set when working, to the serenity of being in a room alone expressing yourself artistically. To read the full Ted Simmons interview with Kristin it is available at: (photo credit:

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