Friday, August 14, 2009

True Blood's Jace Everett Talks About Bad Things

jaceLet's talk about Jace Everett. He is a country music singer influenced by Willie Nelson, and he sings the unforgettable opening song on Alan Ball hit HBO TV vampire series True Blood. Let me give you a disclaimer before we go any farther: I love this song. It's my ringtone on my Blackberry. It's a prominent presence on my iPod. Ok, now that I have gotten that out the way, let's move on to actually talking about him! Where else does the 37 year old singer/songwriter draw creative influences from? His website biography says this about him:
"I love Willie and Waylon; late-model Johnny Cash, Kris Kristofferson, Roger Miller, for their directness of lyric, and the common-day things and people in their songs. Also, the cinematic side of rock — Peter Gabriel, Led Zeppelin, the urgency and hero-waving-a-flag quality of Clash and U2. In soul music, sexuality and spiritual redemption aren't opposites on the coin, but actually the same. I aspire to get all those things in one song: Intelligence, some power and energy, and a spiritual, sexual quality.
Yes, he manages to evoke all of that in True Blood's opening song.  With just one song he paints a picture of the nature of the hidden south, and the tension that that truly exists down there. Jace Everett is a man who does not care to be mainstream. To the Des Moines Register, he noted that:
"If what I do happens to be mainstream at some point that would be gravy. But I am not going to assimilate,"
He's a man that knows what he wants, where he is going, and how he's going to get there -- his way. The True Blood creators could not have picked a more appropriate song to open the show with. It is powerful, evocative, pure rock country sung with a true throaty twang that only Jace Everett has managed. Did I mention that sometimes I let my phone ring and don't answer it, just so I can listen to the song? This track has propelled him into the spotlight. Whether he was ready for it or not, million of True Blood fans hold this as their "anthem" if you will. His popularity is quickly on the rise, and I'd wager that his new album is going to sell quite well.  Check out the video below to see him on Jay Leno's show. Source: DesMoines, Photo Credit:

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