Sunday, December 20, 2009

Twitter Me This True Blood Fans

Twitter-Vampire-BirdAs many of you know, the show True Blood has been gaining momentous popularity. Also, you all know or have heard of Twitter, a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets. Well, Abdur is the head scientist of a research team at Twitter and he says Twitter's Trending Topics helps them to understand what is happening around the world and demonstrates that people everywhere can be united in a common concern around important events; excited about a new movie; or geeked-out about a major new technological advancement. Among the most engaging topics, True Blood once again found a way to get in the mix. This just goes to show True Blood has fans all over the world!  It appears at the number 6 position under the category of movies (not to be confused with the 1989 movie of the same name and of course a mistake on Twitter's part as True Blood is a TV series), and shows just how influential and captivating the show is. With almost 170 days to go, I'm sure fans will continue this craze and keep Twittering for more True Blood. Source: (Photo

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