Saturday, June 19, 2010

True Blood's Joe Manganiello Talks Spoilers

Joe Manganiello is new to True Blood this season where he will play Alcide Herveaux but he has been on tv spots before. Viewers may recognize him from shows like "One Tree Hill" and "How I Met Your Mother." This season he is going to play a werewolf that that will be Sookie Stackhouse's protector. In an interview with TV Squad, Joe speaks about his character and his relationship with Sookie Stackhouse, played by Anna Paquin. Beware spoilers ahead! Joe describes his character as a "moral compass" for Sookie and the show.
"I'm interested to see how [that] plays and how the fans respond to it, because it really is bringing something new to the show," Manganiello conceded. "Alcide is this just and moral man, and he sees some things going on that he can't ignore, and so that kind of throws him into the action. He's a big, sensitive bunny rabbit inside of this wolf monster clothing ... A sheep in wolf's clothing!"
According to the book and some of the spoilers that have been released by HBO, Alcide is brought into the story line by Eric Northman to protect Sookie. Since Sookie seems to find herself surrounded by danger and dangerously handsome men, sparks begin to fly between the two of them. (While the comparison of a vampire boyfriend and a werewolf friend sounds like a story line we have heard before with "Twilight," the Sookie Stackhouse series was written and published before Stephanie Meyer's Twilight Saga.) What does Joe think about the popularity of werewolves?
"I love the fact that the new 'Twilight' movie is coming out this summer, I love the comparisons, bring 'em on!" he said. "I think that one hand feeds the other. For me, it's a great time to be a werewolf; this is like, the year of the werewolf -- I'm just glad that they're finally starting to get some respect!"
There are a few other characters in this triangle between Alcide and Vampire Bill Compton, there is also Eric Northman who has been playing for Sookie's attention. Viewers will also meet Alcide, who is mourning the loss of his fiancee, Debbie Pelt, who will be played by Britt Morgan.
"[Debbie] is a troublemaker for me," Manganiello explained. "She's crazy, she's psycho, she just won't go away. There are some very scary goings on with the members of another pack," Manganiello revealed of the rival wolves. "Werewolves have lived in hiding for thousands of years without any humans knowing that they exist, and there's this other pack that comes along and threatens to throw that balance off. Debbie is at the heart of that pack uprising."
Whether or not there will be a coming out party for the werewolves is still early for this season. (In book 9 of the Sookie Stackhouse Series, the werewolves do come out to the humans, but for now they are still very fearful to reveal that part of themselves.) Joe does go on to say that in the book Alcide is on the scene for quite awhile, but all he says about is longevity on the show,
"People ask me how the show is going and my response is always, they haven't killed me yet!"
We hope Joe Manganiello stays around, and it wouldn't hurt if it he remains shirtless! Viewers will see Alcide on his episode three that will appear on June 27. SOURCE: (Photo Credit: HBO Inc.)

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